Archives For Encouragement

Grace for Moms

November 4, 2013

Another Allume story for you that overflows with grace. This was the same night that Ann Voskamp encouraged me.

Little did I know I would be experiencing true Grace for Moms.


My sweet baby was fatigued and there was no end in sight to his neediness. It was dinner time and I had a sweet friend, Kristy Chowning, invite me to sit at her table. This was a huge offer to me because I really didn’t know anybody. The room was full of women and I was feeling like a tag along. After all, I was only at the conference because my husband was there representing Food for the Hungry. I couldn’t eat dinner with him because he was speaking that night. Taking a fussy baby and sitting in the front would not have been a thoughtful act on my part.

So after thanking her profusely I sat and enjoyed a salad. I was seated between Kristy and her friend Jessica Wolstenholm, the co-owners and authors of Grace for Moms. At one point my little one was getting far too fussy and I was about to leave when Kristy grabbed him and exited so I could finish eating. I was so thankful! I tried to finish quickly yet also tried to get to know Jessica. I went to relieve Kristy but when I left the large room she didn’t have Josiah!

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The Road Less Traveled

November 3, 2013

Yesterday we wanted to take our family on a trip to the mountains to go apple picking. We’ve done this many times before. This time we stopped at Mast General first. Who doesn’t love Mast General, right? Hendersonville is a photographers dream {just don’t go on a Saturday}.

When leaving to continue our trip to the apple orchard we set up the directions on our phone and off we went. We took out first turn and saw that our directions were taking us a way we had never been before. Me, being a photographer, and my husband, being the awesome man that he is, decided to continue on this new way. Why? Because it looked gorgeous! The trees were weeping color on the dirt roads. He pulled over and I popped out and got down to snap some photos. I ran up roads. Got down low. Tip-toed up high. Stood atop smooth rocks.


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The Touch of Christ

November 1, 2013

Allume logo

We were standing in the hallway at the Allume conference. There was a buffet lunch and the line, directly in front of us, was almost complete. My littlest one had had just about enough. He was in need of some rest. I secured him into his umbrella stroller and attempted to walk as quickly as I could to the exit. Then I saw her.

Ann Voskamp.

I walked past her. Seeing that she was speaking with somebody. I didn’t want to bother so I kept walking. I had almost gotten to the doors when my feet stopped and turned back toward her. Afterall, this may be the only chance I ever get to say “thank you.”

I waited patiently behind for her conversation to finish. Then more people came to talk with her. My little one was getting restless but I just couldn’t let this moment pass. Like a few months previous when I had waited hours in line just to tell Michelle Duggar “thank you.”

I gently laid my hand on her shoulder and told her a very light version of my story. How I run a blog called Eucharisteo and yet it wasn’t until recently that I fully understood what that meant to me. The embrace of knowing that life is appreciated left me feeling loved. I was thankful the Spirit turned my feet back to her.


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eightisgreat{photo compliments of Kristen Hinson Photography}

I don’t remember what life was like without six little ones. Isn’t it amazing how that happens? To think about those first two years of our marriage without diapers is like opening up a storybook. I just don’t remember it. It was rough the first few years with babies. Especially with my husband working hard and in school. But by the time I had four it was easy peasy. And I say that with all seriousness. My two oldest were old enough to help me with simple things like laundry, dishes and running to grab me another diaper for the baby. Number five came and he slid easily into our schedule. Though it was a change up now having a boy in the mix everything still seemed to go pretty smooth.

And then came number six.

And life did a one eighty.

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white rose

For the past couple months I have been deep in study mode concerning the gospel and how to share it. But honestly, that is a huge post for another day. Basically what I want to talk about today is one commandment that I have been openly rebelling against. That, my friends, is the fourth commandment. All the commandments, because I am a follower of Christ, I have been trying my hardest to follow. I don’t lie, intentionally. I don’t steal, intentionally. I don’t murder, intentionally. And on and on. BUT I have willfully been ignoring the fourth commandment. With full knowledge. I do get caught with other idols {Facebook, anyone?} but I then acknowledge said idol and try to turn my eyes back to the Lord. But that fourth commandment. A mean, really? Keep the sabbath day holy? How am I expected to do that? Are we supposed to get all Laura Ingalls on this and just sit and stare at each other for hours?

Last week my husband and I decided to obey this command. We made meals the day before so we wouldn’t have to cook. We are now part of a wonderful church where we fellowship and break bread together after every service. So my husband, the cook of the family, made a casserole the night before for breakfast. He made stromboli the night before for us to take and share with everyone after church. And honestly I can’t remember what we did for dinner. Crockpot chicken?

And this past week do you know what day I was most looking forward to? That’s right!!! SUNDAY!!! Not only did we receive teachings from our pastor but we also were able to fellowship with some pretty amazing brothers and sisters. Followers who weren’t eagerly clamoring to their cars once the service was over. I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful it is to fellowship. Truly fellowship.

Well, my loves, it is still the sabbath and here I am writing a blog post. But that is because I want to encourage you to also obey that fourth commandment. Don’t overlook it. Your soul needs a break. Your body needs a break. This is a day to praise and worship our creator. Spend time with brothers and sisters in Christ and exalt His glorious name!

I found this beautifully written in The Child’s Book on the Sabbath by Rev. Horace Hooker.

But let me remind you, my children, at the close of our long conversation on the manner of keeping the Sabbath, that the duties I have mentioned must be performed in a proper spirit. You may break the Sabbath while doing them all. If the heart and life are examined without a desire to grow better; if the Bible is read only out of curiosity, or to see how many chapters may be read over in a day; if public worship is attended only from custom, or to see a friend, or because it is popular; if you pray and meditate only to quiet conscience, God will frown on your services, and a day will be lost, in which your soul might have been fitted for glory, honor, and immortality. 

And without a proper spirit, the Sabbath will be as unpleasant as it is unprofitable. Its duties will be burdensome, and you will say in your heart, “When will the Sabbath be gone?” But if you have the spirit of the Sabbath in your soul, you will think its precious moments fly away too swiftly. You will almost wish to stop the sun in his course, as he descends towards the western mountains, and the shadows of evening begin to lengthen. You will feel with the poet, as you breathe the pure air, and enjoy the tranquil light of the Sabbath,

Day of all the week the best,
Emblem of eternal rest. 

With such a spirit, the Sabbath will never be a weariness. We shall greet it with a cheerful welcome as it approaches; we shall spend it in joy and praise while it is passing, and when we must part, bid it an unwilling farewell.

And he continues on by sharing this heart felt poem/hymn.


Is there a time when moments flow
More lovelily than all beside?
It is, of all the times below,
A Sabbath eve in summer tide.
O! then the setting sun smiles fair,
And all below, and all above,
The different forms of nature wear
One universal garb of love.
And then the peace that Jesus beams,
The life of grace, the death of sin,
With nature’s placid woods and streams,
Is peace without, and peace within.
Delightful scene! a world at rest,
A God all love, no grief nor fear,
A heavenly hope, a peaceful breast,
A smile unsullied by a tear.
If heaven be ever felt below,
A scene so heavenly, sure, as this
May cause a heart on earth to know
Some foretaste of celestial bliss.
Delightful hour! how soon will night
Spread her dark mantle o’er thy reign;
And morrow’s quick returning light
Must call us to the world again.
Yet will there dawn at last a day,
A SUN that never sets shall rise;
Night will not veil his ceaseless ray,
The heavenly Sabbath never dies!