Archives For Parenting

Family Togetherness

April 22, 2017

These past few years have been intense. I’ve struggled, I’ve felt heavier in so many areas of my life, there’s been times of grandeur that I never expected, times of normalcy, times of questioning “why.” Overall, from the other side, I am humbled. Humbled to be allowed to go through the depths. Though rough, I know He’s using these times to sharpen me to be able to help others.

And through it all we’ve grown closer together. My family. The constants. The always heres. The never leaving yous. The catch you when you falls.

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Josiah Cards -

Do you know the lyrics to “Let it Go?” Or how about the lyrics to the Fresh Prince theme song? When you’re young it’s so much easier to memorize. Children are like little sponges. Which is why we should always watch what we’re saying around them. “Be careful little ears what you hear.” And this is such a great time in life to fill their hearts and memory banks with the scriptures. Instead of your child being able to repeat word for word the lines of a movie how amazing would it be for them to be able to repeat the scriptures?

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Psalm 119:9-11 ESV)

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When I’m older and my children have all left the nest I imagine a day where I’ll sit with my husband and we’ll cruise through the photos of yesteryear. That tears will fall as we remember the toddler giggles, the sweet smell of our newborns, the feel of their tiny bodies heavy against our weary arms, the laughs that echoed throughout when Dad would tell a joke, the running to mama leg hugs from the littlest ones, the struggles and successes of homeschooling, the hiking in the mountains as the youngest would stubbornly not allow us to hold him/her, first toes being licked by the ocean, excitedly waiting in line for Rapunzel’s autograph, fitting those growing bodies into their ever shrinking car seats, filling up another sippy cup. Continue Reading…

Why We Don’t Celebrate Santa

December 15, 2014

Why We Don't Celebrate Santa -

If you know me at all you know that most would consider me a radical. But, really, is there any other way to describe a Christ follower? I tend  to reference this scripture a lot but it’s a great one to have memorized.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2 ESV)

Do not be conformed. In other words, other people should be able to see that you, my dear, stand out from the rest. That there is something that sets you apart. Because you are set apart. Continue Reading…

Outside the Box

August 13, 2014

I have found one thing that has helped immensely with my anxiety. Every morning the children and I bustle around the house. Making sure everyone is dressed and fed. We grab our Abeka Bible cards and head for Bessie, our massive van.

And we leave our little box.

We make sure to reach our destination before anybody else. And it is in the wee early hours of the morning that we get the public playground all to ourselves.


Get outdoors - Continue Reading…