Can I be real with you? These past six years have been intense. That’s putting it nicely. I remember when I was a new Christian I would be praying continually for others and would wonder why nothing bad ever happened to me. Like, I almost wondered if I wasn’t strong enough. But all that changed in 2013. With that being said, I have a really good life. A grace filled, love overflowing life. I still continually pray for others, but I did come into the struggles. I knew with each struggle I was being strengthened to be more like Christ. Yet, there was a good year or two when I became a lot like the world. My thoughts, my words, my actions, they all took a nose dive. I wasn’t the Jennica that God created.
I’m done with that.
That’s not who I am.
I kept hearing the Spirit drawing me back and I kept kinda putting Him off. I still loved His word, but not like I had before. I was tired, I was broken, I felt defeated. I had lost my trust in everyone, including my Creator.
Back in June 2018 we moved back to Nashville, TN (go ahead and read all about that in past posts 2013-2015, cause goodness, that was rough back then). In September 2018 I fell in a dark room at our new church and was rushed to the ER. I was taken into surgery, but we’ll chat about that later. That’s an entire blog series right there. Needless to say, I still haven’t properly moved into our new house. I was so doped up on drugs and literally couldn’t pick up anything so it is now 10 months since moving and I’m finally unpacking. And what did I come across? My favorite book outside of the Bible!

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp was the reason I began the Eucharisteo blog back in January 2011. Please read this book if you haven’t. It is dripping with hope and encouragement and Christ focus. I can’t believe it’s been 8 years. I began writing after reading this book and my life was filled with His Spirit.Here’s the thing, when you’re speaking God’s word out loud you can always expect that the enemy is near and is ready to attack. I should’ve seen it coming. I drifted. I allowed the troubles of the world to change me, but y’all, just because you get knocked down does not mean you have to stay there.
I don’t know what the new era of Eucharisteo looks like, because I want to be open to following His leading and that means being open to doing something else that He calls me to. Maybe writing about something I never would have even thought about.
I will still be the Christ loving, encouraging, life speaking Jennica you’ve always known. I guess I just wanted to welcome myself back. I’m looking forward to using my *real* camera again. As convenient as the cell phone is the quality just isn’t there.
Can I encourage you to begin a blog? You were created with a story and you should share it! I always used to think I was SO unique. Yet, the more I slow down and look around I see how incredibly similar we all are. You ARE unique, but we are all so exact as well. That’s not a bad thing, by any means. If you feel that tugging on your heart that you should write, DO IT. I don’t write properly and I expect autocorrect to help me more than I should. Yet, my mind is full of thoughts that I want to put down and share with others. Who knows if one thing that you write changes somebody’s day or life! Some may appreciate your writing and others may not. I see it as not everybody loves Jesus and not everybody needs to love me. I’m really not all that great, but if I can give you a slimmer of hope and encouragement then that is my joy.
If you have a blog please comment it below. I’d love to check it out!
With all of that being said, I’m so happy to be back. I was writing over at Restoring Moms for a bit, but I will be transferring all of that over here and will likely give this site a facelift.
I love you all and will be praying for all of you.
Blessings ?