Archives For eucharisteo

This is going to seem so silly but I wanted to encourage you! And honestly, it’s really funny.

So…it all started when our checks finally arrived in the mail. The checks I had been so eager to deposit to finish paying off the credit card! A few days earlier while driving to the grocery I got a flat. So my husband was now at the dealership getting the tire replaced. Being creative I thought I’d drive up to his work and surprise him with the checks {in a Father’s Day card} and allow him to be the one to pay off the card. Here is how that first part went:

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The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.

Goodbye Credit Card Debt{ photo credit: 401(K) 2012}

When you first sign up for a credit card that first dollar you put on it makes you a slave to the lender. For 20 years this credit card has been heavy. For 15 years I’ve taken on this heaviness as well. When you say “I do” you say yes to it all. The enjoyable and the difficult.

I want to encourage you as the Lord has provided for us in ways that we could only have dreamed of. But I also want to walk alongside you and let you know the difficulty in walking this road. You’re not alone. There were so many times I felt singled out. We were house poor. After an inheritance we were able to buy a house. We bought a nice big house. But we still had credit card debt. Continue Reading…

The 5 Day Adoption

April 14, 2015

Adopting is a precious gift from God. Just as He adopts us into His family He desires us to adopt His children into ours as well. The McCoskey family has adopted before and they keep their arms open to whatever the Lord wants to give them. What a surprise when they received a phone call asking if they’d be willing to adopt that week.

5 Day Adoption -

The McCoskey Family

Guys, I can’t tell this story as well as the family who went through it can. This is such an amazing testimony. Continue Reading…

Swollen with Praise

April 5, 2015

cross and crown -

I stood in the kitchen this messy morning. Making breakfast with my daughter. A couple nights ago we had celebrated our messianic passover. It was beautiful and sunk us deep into His word. Learning from the past and leaning into the future.

Messianic Passover -

As families around the nation are awaking and children are eagerly coming down the stairs to see what the Easter Bunny has left them, I weep. My heart hurts that they are searching intently for the things of this world and not for the One Who is greater than His creation. Continue Reading…

Christian Atheists

March 30, 2015

Christian Atheists -

Do you have a Bible in your possession? Do you open the pages or are they still crisp as the day you got it? Do you only own a family Bible out of respect of family history? Have you memorized scriptures and used them in the battle of good and evil in your heart daily?

Are you a God fearing, God loving, God worshipping Christian? Or are you a Christian Atheist?

Do you contort scriptures {scriptures you’ve never even read} to appease your appetite? Continue Reading…