Mercy for Mothers

August 18, 2011

I’ve been going strong but my do-it-all attitude finally caught up with me. After I took this photo I was feeding Jules. I went to take a sip of my cocoa and saw that I had placed her sweet potatoes and turkey covered spoon in my cup instead of her jar. Later I microwaved nothing. The green peas were still sitting atop the microwave.

Oh dear.

Oh dear is right. I came across this photo the other day. Taken about three and a half years ago. Why was I trying to be superwoman? What was so important that I had run myself into complete exhaustion? I didn’t write about it but I wonder how many times I snapped at my wee ones because we had to go-go-go. Look, there’s my Bible lying open but I wonder if I was really digesting or just reading-while-distracted. Thinking of how to complete the next to-do.

Mother’s need mercy and grace. Lots of it. We’re disillusioned into thinking that we are women hear us roar. Nothing can hold us back. But is it television that has fed us these lies? Maybe a dear friend with good intentions but no children? After all, people with less can do more. Less children and less ‘stuff’. Or maybe we really can get more done if we stepped away from the screens. The tv’s. The computers. The phones.

No matter what it is that’s causing mother’s to crash take time to encourage a mother you know who is feeling overwhelmed. I had a dear friend who would bring me a treat “just because”. Those surprise visits from her lifted me. A beautiful, unexpected distraction from the everyday. If you’re at the grocery pick up some muffins and deliver them to your friend. It’ll be a welcome snack for her children and she’ll likely appreciate a visit from an adult.

Are you the mother whom is overwhelmed? This season is short. Don’t waste your memories on dirty floor boards or fingerprint windows. Rather enjoy and kiss the peanut butter and jelly cheeks. Look into the eyes of your children and connect. Reassure them that they are more important than dust bunnies.

Take time away to dive into His word and to pray. Pray for mothers all over. Can I tell you something? When I had only two little ones I would wake early in the morning to read the Bible. And every time one of the children would wake. I was so cross! Why couldn’t God make that sweet child sleep for just a half hour longer? Or maybe the better question is why was I only seeking Him for a half hour in the morning? The children napped during the day I could certainly worship and read then. Or better yet, I could read to the children! I know that can be difficult but if it comes down to it ask your husband to watch the children so you can spend time with your maker.

Be encouraged. Enjoy this season. Enjoy the messes, the fingerprints, the piles of laundry. You’ll have plenty of time to clean when the children have left the nest. Read scripture to your children and teach them the importance and beauty and truth that is contained in His book. All His mercy. All His grace.



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