Joyful Hearts

August 20, 2011

A joyful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
(Proverbs 17:22 ESV)

A lot.

I honestly don’t think we’ve had one day in our eleven years of marriage that hasn’t been filled with laughter. If you know us I know you’d agree. It probably helps that we both think we’re hilarious {even if nobody else agrees}. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve definitely had our fair share of struggles. There’s been tears and anger and hurt. Yet we’ve learned that a little bit of humor eases the tension in a gentle way.

How often do you and your spouse laugh together? Maybe watching a movie or tv show, right? But what about the every day? Are you able to find joy in every situation? Can you smile through the storms? I want to honestly tell you that there have been times when my husband has tried to get me to smile but I’m holding on so incredibly tight to a past hurt that I refuse to give him the satisfaction of making me happy. How cruel is that? So thankful for grace and for the Spirit teaching this stubborn disciple. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing to offer and to accept.

Search your days and make it your focus to encourage your spouse to smile today – everyday. When is somebody more beautiful than when they’re enjoying the life that they’ve been blessed with. It is so contagious as well! If you have children at home it is a wonderful sight for them to see their parents giggling in the kitchen. Give them memories of their parents being so in love that they could smile together, even through the tough seasons. As they grow older they too will seek out loves who will be joyful with them. And who doesn’t want to see their children happy and in love?

Don’t keep this just for your family. As you’re out and about make sure you’re smiling at others you pass on the street. To your waitress. To mall walkers. To neighbors. Anyone and everyone can benefit from such a simple gesture.



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