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Swollen with Praise

April 5, 2015

cross and crown -

I stood in the kitchen this messy morning. Making breakfast with my daughter. A couple nights ago we had celebrated our messianic passover. It was beautiful and sunk us deep into His word. Learning from the past and leaning into the future.

Messianic Passover -

As families around the nation are awaking and children are eagerly coming down the stairs to see what the Easter Bunny has left them, I weep. My heart hurts that they are searching intently for the things of this world and not for the One Who is greater than His creation. Continue Reading…

How to Forgive

December 18, 2014

Yesterday we talked about how to apologize. Today let’s focus on the broken side of forgiveness.

How to Forgive -

Forgiving another is tough. Especially dependent on how you were wronged. If you are apologized to immediately it is vastly different than if you are apologized to ten years later.

So do you forgive? Should you forgive? Continue Reading…

Muscadines – move over PSL

September 4, 2014

Muscadines -

Y’all can enjoy your Pumpkin Spice Latte all you want but it’s not autumn until the muscadines are out. Continue Reading…

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Photojennica - Selecting a Lens -

In part one I told you about what cameras I recommend. Now we’re heading over to learn about what lenses are best {in my opinion}. First you need to know what your subject is. Are you photographing people? Children? Food? Weddings? This really is too big of a subject for one lil post but I’ll expand on this later. If you’re really just starting out and already spent all your money on your camera then the first thing you need to do is read the manual. Don’t get all focused on lenses. Learn your camera first. Just play around with the kit lens for now.

As you’ll see, the lenses I recommend are costly. But what can I say? Some girls like shoes and clothes and pedicures. I like glass. That’s why you won’t see me in front of the the camera too often πŸ˜‰

I just spent the evening chasing my toddler around for you guys. I want to show you the difference in lens selection. First up is the 18-55mm kit lens.

Photojennica - Lens Selection - Continue Reading…

The Silent Giving Challenge

August 20, 2014

The Silent Giving Challenge -

Y’all, I love you, you know that. I have a huge heart for those who are suffering. And I know you do, too. But this ice bucket challenge has really rubbed me the wrong way. Continue Reading…