Archives For Family

Modern Modesty

July 30, 2012

As we raise our girls we have a strong focus on keeping our appearances very modest. I’ve heard everything from little girls as young as six years old saying they want to wear daisy dukes and crop tops to one eight year old girl telling us that a grown man had called her “sexy” to teenage girls proclaiming to be Christ followers and wearing clothes that are easily causing their brothers in Christ to fall.

Now don’t think we’re all wearing handmade long dresses from the 1980’s. We call our style ‘modern modest’. We do wear pants but definitely enjoy long skirts. And with them being in style now, believe me, we’re stocking up! I had tried for years to find long skirts because I loved wearing them when I was a teenager but they went out of style. Even when looking for maternity clothes I could only find short skirts. And besides not liking the length in a modesty context it just doesn’t work when picking up toddlers.

I have one daughter who loves to do gymnastics. She’s never been taught it’s just that she loves to flip around the house – somersaults, cartwheels, round offs, etc. So she wears bicycle shorts under her skirts or she wears pants.

When it comes to dresses we do not approve of the backs being open or, obviously, short lengths. And it’s difficult to find dresses or shirts without lots of graphics on them. We prefer clothing that isn’t making the children be used as a sandwich board. And on that note, we have the biggest problem in that aspect with boys clothes! To find simple boy shirts without writing is near impossible. So when we do find them we buy what we can in the sizes we can.

When it comes to shirts for girls they cannot, absolutely cannot, be low cut. They are more than welcome to wear tank tops as long as they’re not too open. We have to correct our girls when they try to wear their older sisters clothes because that will obviously cause their shirts to be low cut. And they will try to wear their sisters skirts. As you can imagine, that is quickly remedied.

Our focus is to not draw attention to our bodies but to be comfortable in what we are wearing. We don’t have to focus on tugging at shorts to pull them down or shirts to pull them up. Women should lean over to see if anything will be showing when they go to pick something up off the floor. I had a very embarrassing moment that convicted me of that. My mother in law had taken a photo of me dancing at a wedding reception and, though I have never seen the photo, she told me that things were showing that should have been covered up better.

So ladies, consider how much you are showing to the world when you dress. You are not only teaching your daughters but also young girls around you {in your neighborhood, in your family, your friends children, at church, etc}. You never know who your appearance or words are influencing. We need to teach, but also learn ourselves, that there is far more importance in who we are and not in what we look like. Focus more on your beauty within.


Big Bubbles

July 11, 2012

I remember as a kid we used some kind of rope and filled our kiddie pool with soapy water and made big bubbles. We only did it once but I’ll never forget it. I never paid attention to how it was actually done and didn’t realize there are recipes for making those large bubbles. Part of our summer bucket list was to make big bubbles and so we found a recipe and went to work.

1 cup Joy dish soap
1 cup corn starch
12 cups of water
2T baking powder

Mix together and let sit for at least one hour.

Now we made the above recipe but we weren’t creating the dreamy big bubbles we had been hoping for so we added 1 cup of corn syrup. I’m not sure if it helped but it’s worth trying if your bubbles are holding together.

We poured it in a tin bucket and used rope we had tied into circles. We also strung two straws onto string and made a circle. Kind of like making handles for little hands. That one seemed to be a big hit and made strong medium bubbles.

I’m not sure if the kids or the adults had more fun!

{we had just done face painting, hence the puppy face}


Summer Twister

July 9, 2012

We just finished our Five Days of Family Fun for the summer and we are wiped out! It was too hot to go to the beach and too expensive to vacation anywhere so we chose to stay home and mark activities off our summer bucket list. One of the best vacations ever! And I really can’t overstate how incredibly exhausting it was. So much so that I have posts galore to share with you this month! Most ideas were taken off Pinterest {tweaked here and there}.

Without further ado – the activity that will last all summer! Summer Twister.

This idea was taken from DIY Showoff but was changed to accommodate us. That wonderful man of mine went out and bought us some yard paint. To make the circles I simply took an old banker box and traced a dinner plate on the inside. Then it was cut out using a utility knife. The circle that was cut out could have been used to make the spinny thing for the game but we ended up just writing directions on index cards and flipping through them {right foot blue, left hand yellow}.

Below you can see how we sprayed the paint onto the grass using the banker box. And since it’s yard paint it shouldn’t kill our grass, right?

Spraying the circles was actually really fun. Took about five minutes to do. The children then had to wait until I was sure that the paint was dry enough for them to play on. Once they got the go ahead they were all over it!

Even the littlest one tried to play. Right Head On Red.

So there ya go, there’s a project for you and your family this weekend. Fast, easy, fun and highly entertaining! Plus you don’t have to bother with that silly Twister canvas getting all messed up under your feet. Have fun!


After writing yesterdays post on worshipping and praying with your children I realized that I need a reminder. I could have the best of intentions but when it comes to it when I wake my first thought of the day is what needs to be accomplished. What’s on the calendar. What will I feed them for breakfast. And just like that God is pushed to the side before I even realize it.

So I’ve created something simple. Something to frame and hang on the wall or sit on the bed side table. Just a reminder of why worshipping the God of the heavens needs to be first. And why I need to do this with my children.

Download Family Worship Subway Art {letter size} —

I hope this works? I’ve never shared anything on here so I’ll open the comments so you can let me know. It’s such a small gift but I hope it may encourage you to share prayers with our heavenly Father with your children. Live in a way that inspires your little ones. Serve and worship before their eyes. Remember, it’s all about Him. Live life like you believe.



Picture Window Prayers

December 13, 2011

Every so often I invite the little ones to pray with me before Him at the window. They never say no.

When my knees touch the floor I immediately become small. Imagining a camera zoom out from the picture window. Far out to the heavens. And I realize my problems really aren’t that big after all. That here I am, inside this box, looking out and praying to a God that is bigger than I will ever be able to fully grasp. Yet who knows and loves every hair on this tired mama’s head.

The prayers are not long and glorious. When praying with my children I feel comfortable. There’s no intimidation. Just childish, loving words that we all can understand. Heart felt words. Knees bent and hands raised. Smiles and tears. Praises and pleadings. This is how I want to start every morning. Gentle, loving and humble.

I desire strength and grace for my children. Strength to stand up for their faith. To not feel that heavy weight of the world watching and judging. To love their heavenly father with a heart abandoned. And grace for those who aren’t where they are. This walk of faith is a long journey. I pray they will have grace for those who aren’t quite ‘there’. Grace for us all.

I seek that grace. That we will consistently kneel before Him. Anxious for that special time together.

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.
{Titus 2:11-14 ESV}


Sharing at Chatting at the Sky