My oldest daughter, Emily, has entered sixth grade this year and will be taking a class on video production. Dang I love homeschooling!
When we were dating my husband would tell me all about his video production class in high school and he’d show me videos upon videos that he had been a part of. Maybe, if y’all are extra nice to me I’ll share some of those 😉
I knew we would want video making to be a big part of our family. Since our dating days I would film all of his football games that he coached. Next he would take all the footage and make an end of the year video for all of his players. I’ve been an enthusiastic photographer since 2005, having won contests and have been published in two books. Then with smart phones we’ve been able to film a lot, but it just wasn’t the same. I’m thankful for the short little clips but I miss the long videos. I do not, however, miss the vhs tapes. At all. And my camera has gotten A LOT heavier since the beginning.
This year our children will be learning all they can about video production. We’ve begun with Emily because her passion is easily captured on film. She loves to cook and bake and, honestly, she’s amazing at it. There are countless times that I just ask her to make the meal because I’m busy homeschooling. Not only will our children be in front of the camera but, more importantly, they are learning the back end, the nuts and bolts. Tonight they have learned the basics of iMovie and how to choose music for they’re videos.
We hope you enjoy the video tutorial and the cake!
{Brown sugar was used because we ran out of regular sugar. However, we recommend regular sugar.}