Unconforming to Christmas

December 12, 2011

“Is Santa real?”

“No darlin’. There was a man who was very kind and loving but no, there is no Santa that flies around on a sleigh.”

“Oh…..Jesus is pretend?”

That was a conversation between my four year old and I about a week ago. And that, my friends, is exactly why we do not celebrate Santa. Or the tooth fairy. Or the Easter bunny. You name it, we don’t worship any of it. Only Jesus.

May I be transparent with you? It’s terribly embarrassing but true nonetheless.

I didn’t know Jesus was real. And I couldn’t figure out how somebody could be born in December and be thirty three by April. {okay, okay, you can stop laughing now}. Until I became a follower of Christ I just could not separate Him from all the holiday figures that are so heavily worshipped. Jesus had nothing on me. I mean, after all, I was too afraid Santa would send his elves to spy on me. I worshipped Santa. And I worshipped myself. The threat of elves watching made me obedient in the  moment but did nothing to edify my heart.

So how did my children hear about Santa? How in the world did they not hear about Santa. He’s everywhere. But I’ve told them the truth from the beginning. And every year we are more convicted to drop worldly traditions. Traditions that seem innocent but do nothing to draw us closer to knowing our savior. Though I don’t consider us ‘radical’ I can’t even begin to tell you how many looks we get from grocery clerks and the such when they ask our girls if they’re ready for Santa to come and I reply, “we don’t do Santa.” Rubbing against the norm. But remember that we’re drawn to be a light. And I want us to shine the eternal light of Jesus, not the momentary twinkles of Santa.

Jesus is real. The gift of His life is for forever.





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