Threefold Cord

August 26, 2011

Who knows the most about you other than the Lord? If you are married the correct answer is your spouse. They know what makes you smile. They know what makes you cry. They can decipher what your different sighs mean. They have your breathing pattern etched on their hearts. And they know when you need prayer.

Do you take the time to pray for your spouse? It may seem like a silly question but you tend to know each other so well that either you just naturally forget to pray for them. Or you almost think they don’t need it. Maybe you’re discouraged and think that nothing can help your husband find a job. You’ve prayed for months and nothing has come up. Or you’ve asked your wife to have more grace and yet she’s still snapping at you and the kids. Have patience. Have grace. Stop and pray. Continually. He’s still working.

Try to make it a habit every morning before the two of you part ways for the day and ask “is there anything I can pray about for you today?” It may be slightly awkward at first. Maybe they’ll anser “….um….no, I’m good”. That’s ok. Pray for the Lord to peel back layers and open their hearts. I remember hearing one time that if anyone ever asks if there are any prayer requests you should always answer yes. Your life is not so great that you don’t need the Lord to work in your life somehow. Pray for humbling?

Do not under estimate the strength in talking to your creator. Just as a mother longs for her children to whisper those first sweet words to her of ‘mama’ or ‘dada’; our Father longs for us to engage our lives with Him. And who best to start your daily prayers out with than your spouse?

My husband and I have had times when we’ve prayed at our front door before he leaves. There’s been other times when we part ways without prayer and we seek the Lord individually. Other times it’s at the dinner table or through a text/e-mail. And yes, there are far more days that we simply don’t pray for each other. We need to continually seek Him and He will counsel our hearts.

So try this week to simply ask your spouse what they need prayer for. You may be surprised at something that they have been struggling with. Then come and lay your prayers before His feet. Together.



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