Banana Bread Days

June 22, 2011

Twice in the past six years I’ve taken an entire day off and allowed my children to bake banana bread. That may sound slightly dramatic {and maybe it is} but a lot goes into overseeing little ones with eggs and such. I know how much they love it.

The way their eyes glitter with excitement as they dress themselves in aprons and chef hats.

They learn to share and help their sisters. And the sharing of banana bread around a table. Well, I never knew a loaf could go so quickly. We really should make this a quarterly event if not monthly. However, it’s so difficult for me to give over control.

The amount of restraint that it takes to not measure out the flour, or crack the eggs, or pour the milk is overwhelming. I do help clean up when the spills happen but otherwise I try {very hard} to stay behind the camera. Encouraging their little hearts that they can do this all on their own. After all, we’re raising them to be able to raise their own are we not?

Now you don’t have to make banana bread. You don’t even have to cook {though from my experience that is a strong love of children}. Maybe your ‘thing’ is to go fishing? Or it may be as simple as allowing them to take their time and read you a story instead of you rushing through a book to put them to bed. Folding clothes? Painting? Building? Playing a board game? Go a step farther and allow your kids to create their own board game! The board, pieces, rules and all!

Whatever you choose give up total control. Build up their confidence!

— As I was typing this up my oldest came and asked if she could bake muffins with the help of her sisters. I won’t lie, I hesitated but then gave her permission. I’ll be there to oversee but I can hear their busy little bodies in the kitchen now retrieving all the ingredients. Though she asked I refused to crack the egg. —

For fun I wanted to share with you the first Banana Bread Day.

Here is one of our favorite recipes. Enjoy!

They are to teach what is good,  and so train the young women to love their husbands and children,  to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
Titus 2:3-5


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