Archives For jars of clay

My friends, I’ve been in hiding. I’ve been hiding because I was afraid of the words that I’d share. I was afraid that I couldn’t be that uplifting Christian woman that encourages you.

When There's Nothing to Offer -

I had everything planned out. I was going to travel the world. I was going to speak Life to others. I was going to give everything up for Him. I became a follower of Christ at 18 years of age. The world was before me. And then it wasn’t. I thought that sacrificing myself for others to hear His word meant traveling and speaking out. I didn’t realize it meant giving myself within four walls to six tiny little bodies and to one faithful man.

Being a mother is the greatest sacrifice. To put yourself below others is ridiculously humbling. I thought I could be Katie Davis. I thought I could give everything up. That this world had no grip on me.

You guys, I can’t even move one state over.

This has been the most difficult year of my life. I have realized I’m not as strong as I thought I was. And speaking with other mothers…I’m not alone. Continue Reading…