Archives For ggms

Fuel Cycle Day 1

July 1, 2014

For those on the Trim Healthy Mama I wanted to share my Fuel Cycle days with you. I’ve been doing THM since September 2013 and decided to overcome my fear of the Fuel Cycle. Plus, I had stalled in my weight loss. I have lost around 18 lbs since I began. The app TwoGrand has helped a lot! Lots of encouragement and guidance over there. So, for those who follow THM you’ll know know what I’m talking about. For those of you who don’t, shame on you! Go pick order your book now!

Now, I’m short on time but I still want to post this so I will open up the comments for anybody with questions.

The first day is a Deep S day. Below are my meals. At the end I will describe my experience of the day.


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