Archives For bible study

I don’t come from a biblical background so when I see my children reading the Bible or teachingĀ meĀ my heart swells. That is what happened a couple days ago. I was sitting on the couch with my ten year old who was reading excitedly in her Bible.

“Oh wow! Oh this is so cool!”

I ask her what it was and she took off to grab some paper. She explained that she was going to write out a timeline. So here, I want to share with you what she shared with me. This sweet lil cherub teaches me new things in His word constantly. I may just have to dedicate Sunday blog posts to her teachings. So here is your Sunday School lesson for the day.

Lesson of the Promised Land

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A Spirit Filled Mess

April 10, 2014

You reach for the brass door handle and pull. The seal of the door is broken, and the vacuum-packed freshness envelops your senses. You step inside and the warmth wraps around your soul like a wool scarf. Your whole body is enveloped by the aroma. Hearing the familiar hissing of steam works on your stress level like a pressure valve. You’ve entered a coffee shop, and you’re helpless. You give yourself to it. Surrender.

~Fresh Brewed Life by Nichole Johnson



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