I don’t come from a biblical background so when I see my children reading the Bible or teachingĀ meĀ my heart swells. That is what happened a couple days ago. I was sitting on the couch with my ten year old who was reading excitedly in her Bible.
“Oh wow! Oh this is so cool!”
I ask her what it was and she took off to grab some paper. She explained that she was going to write out a timeline. So here, I want to share with you what she shared with me. This sweet lil cherub teaches me new things in His word constantly. I may just have to dedicate Sunday blog posts to her teachings. So here is your Sunday School lesson for the day.
The Short Time Line of Israel
The descendants of Joseph made Israelites. They lived in Egypt.
God saved them from slavery through Moses. He parted the Red Sea.
After 40 years in the desert they reached Canaan. Which is Israel today.
Jesus grew up in Jerusalem, so that means He lived in the promised land!
She first came upon this discovery in her children’s Bible. The description of the book of Judges explained that Canaan {the promised land} is known as Israel today. She then went to get the globe to show her little sister what Israel looked like {she loves sharing Bible wisdom with others}. Upon doing so she saw that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem. She put two and two together and realized that Jerusalem is where Jesus grew up. Thus meaning that Jesus was raised in the promised land! What a beautiful insight that Yahweh placed before her!
I’m already excited to see what she has to teach us next week. Such a beautiful child of God.