Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
I’m just gonna jump right in.
Of all things in the Chick Fil A controversy the one that has my heart afire are the people who are calling themselves christians and yet are fighting against a christian based company. My question is: why? Why would somebody who proclaims to be a “christian” not want to be joined with brothers and sisters in Christ? We are meant to be an army for Christ not against Him. Why do people want to be called “christians” and yet not want to follow Him?
Here’s a solution. Don’t call yourself a christian.
If you believe Yahweh is so flawed in His thinking and in His commandments then why would you want to follow somebody like that?
There have been countless articles filling newsites with believers and non-believers blasting Chick Fil A for not wavering on their faith. How dare Dan Cathy actually believe what we preaches? Are we so used to the American gospel that we’ve forgotten how incredibly radical the Bible is?
And when I say “believers” are blasting Chick Fil A I want you to know I’m using that term very loosely.
You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! James 2:19
I don’t want to know if you are a Christian. I don’t care if you’re a believer. I will call you a brother or sister when you show that you are a follower. When the Holy Spirit is so evident in your life that no one can deny it.
You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works…Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless? James 2:18 & 20
Will you buck the system and follow Christ no matter the consequences? Even if that means your business is going to tank? Even if that means your friends will all leave you? Faith is not easy. Your humaness is going to fight you at every decision. Comfort in this life seems so much more desirable to our here-and-now than a hope of eternity with Christ. I even hate writing that but it’s true. It’s a constant battle of will.
So back to Chick Fil A. Do I believe that every single person that went through the drive thru today was a follower of Christ? Absolutely not. Some were probably just christians in name only. Some probably went for political reasons. On the other hand, do I believe that every person that didn’t go to Chick Fil A is a lost cause and has an eternity of Hell awaiting them? Absolutely not! On one hand, not everyone has the money to buy a meal today. I had to search my house and car for the funds to take my family out for lunch. It wasn’t easy but I definitely wanted to show my support for my brother, Dan Cathy. Without diving into too much theology, most people are not a lost cause. There is hope for all of us! No matter your background we can be saved…if we want and are willing to be saved.
My anger over all this controversy definitely stems for people being led astray. Non-followers will so easily take scripture and throw it in others faces. Despite the fact they’ve never opened a Bible and don’t know the context of said scripture. And you know what that’s doing? That my friends is an open door to an eternity of gnashing of teeth. So when followers of Christ stick to their guns and don’t hang out in their basements, hiding away from the world, that is true love. Speaking truth of Yahweh has nothing to do with hate but with love and a hope of a glorious eternity.
My friends, we’re in a war. We can only assume these are birth pangs. It’s not like we weren’t warned all of this was coming. But we need to encourage and strengthen our brothers and sisters in Christ. This spiritual war is only going to get more difficult and more painful. Keep your eyes on Christ. Remember that controversies like Chick Fil A may seem politically based but it’s so much more than that. This is a fight against people blaspheming our God. And that, my loves, is a war worth fighting for. I will not sit idly by while others blaspheme my Father. I’m not going to become Peter and cut off peoples ears. My goodness. But I will support the fight for Him in a loving manner.
With all that said, I do want to share our Chick Fil A experience today!

We decided to go early to miss the lunch crowd. Ha! That didn’t happen! The place was packed! The parking lot was near full and the drive-thru was crazy long! Mind you, this was at 10:45am. Cars were trying to get in the drive-thru from three different directions. And everyone was patient and waited eagerly to support our local Chick Fil A.

I won’t lie, I was on the verge of tears. It’s like when I sing worship on Sunday morning with all my brothers and sisters at church. The feeling of true fellowship is so overwhelming that my eyes can’t contain His passion. Seeing all these cars lined up to support Chick Fil A…it’s truly indescribable to those who don’t understand His love. When you know and can taste His love, nothing tastes better.
When we finally arrived at the window I saw the manager.

An awesome man of God who has always taken the time to talk to our family every time we visit. I told him I was going to cry from all the outpouring of community and he told me he already had. I have no doubt that had his store not made a penny that day that he still would have counted it a blessing to work for a company that stands by their convictions.
So here is the icing on the cake. We were driving home with Chick Fil A in the passenger seat. I look to the side and see McDonalds. This McDonalds has two lanes for the crowds. There was one car in each lane at 11:35am. Two cars! Now, before you read into this too deeply, this by no means is a blast to McDonalds but a standing ovation for Chick Fil A and their supporters!
I pray if you’re not already a follower that His spirit is tugging at your heart. We only have one lifetime to make a decision on who we will follow and if we’re willing to risk it all. Are you going to risk eternity in Heaven or risk a lifetime of comfort? I know how hard the decision is. So prayerfully consider which you’ll faithfully stand by.