Called to Deliver

June 3, 2012

I have been struggling the past few months. As you can tell this site has been left to the wayside. I couldn’t bring myself to blog. I felt gripped by the stronghold to please others. I would find advice on how to properly blog.

Tweet this.

Join this party.

Be consistant in how often you post.

Have a large following.

I couldn’t carry that pressure and be a mother of many and wife of one grace filled man. I was being stretched too thin by expectations. So I quit. If I couldn’t be there for everybody I was stopping and only choosing my family. Easy peasy. Drop the site.

But it wasn’t that easy. For the past month or so I have been lovingly encouraged by the Holy Spirit to get back to writing. I tried to brush it off. Every so often there would be another tug. Never a pressure, just a strong ‘you-should-be-doing-this’. Sermons at church. Words from friends. Words from complete strangers. Callers on the radio. Many random moments all came together and have brought me back. The last encouragement was through a sermon at church this morning. As a Christ follower I am called to be a deliverer of His message of reconciliation and hope to others. So are you if you follow Him. But like most things I thought the market was saturated enough. There are so many amazing and inspiring christian blogs out there, I would just be white noise. My story isn’t nearly as exciting as others. I’m simply a stay at home mom who wants to be humble enough to not stand out but to encourage others on their walk with Christ. However, if you’re a Christ follower you shouldn’t be able to blend in. Nothing about your life should be plain and especially not boring. And that’s when I realized He wasn’t my everything anymore. Life had gotten in the way. Being a wife, being a mother, being a friend, being a photographer, etc. all had garnered more of my attention. There were breaks where I would come running back to Him. But everything I did would slowly fade away. Or rather I would allow my time for Yahweh to fade away. Like when you want nothing more than to spend time with a loved one but they always seem busy with something else that is more enjoyable to them. I treated my God like a second rate idol. And I am here to apologize publicly to Him for not showing Him the respect, honor, love and devotion that He deserves.

The updates here won’t be consistent. I won’t be joining any blogging parties or twitter parties or anything like that to promote my name. All that will be lifted up here is His name. Oh there will be occasional recipes and such but that is because I am writing with the intent of also training up my children. I want to be able to share with them things we did as they were growing.

I want to ask you the same question that was posed to us during church today.

Who are the people you’re supposed to be a deliverer to? Are you standing up and giving His message or are you shrinking back and assuming somebody else will fill your place?

Yahweh created you for a purpose. To spread His name all over the earth. Whether that be through blogging, through co-workers, through playdates with other moms, through your local coffee shop pick up – anywhere. He can use you wherever you are, whenever and however He pleases. As long as we’re willing to listen to Him. If you feel the Holy Spirit tugging on your heart don’t brush it off. Follow with your whole heart so that your life is full of color among the grey.







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