Archives For Encouragement

I am a Royal Mess

August 5, 2014

I love writing. It is not something I ever thought I would succeed in. I didn’t see myself writing a book. Ever. Blogging, to me, is just journaling. I’ve been blogging since 1999 when I was a brand new Christian. So when I felt the Lord leading me to journal publicly with I was a little hesitant. I’ve been burned before. I’ve been attacked on my blogs. From people close to me and from people I didn’t know at all. One even sent a Jehovah’s Witness Bible to my children. How did they get my address? So, to be honest with you, I live in fear. Lots of fear. I wonder if what I say matters. I fear that I’m leading people down a wrong path because I’m not as biblically sound as others. I fear being hurt by other people. I’m very sensitive. Obviously, I don’t allow comments on the majority of the posts. I wonder how many people are perturbed by my mess of writing. My english teachers would be crying. I fear that my honest writing would hurt others. I worry about not following the rules of blogging. My husband is a master at social media, it’s his job, so I know what I’m *supposed* to do. I know my posts should be so many words long and what kind of tags to use and where and how to post to social media sites. But you know what?

I’m not going to play by their rules anymore” -Phil, Groundhog’s Day Continue Reading…

Two Little Words

June 26, 2014

I was so hurt. The bitterness within me was growing by the minute, by the day, by the month and now by the year. How they had treated me had hurt soul deep. A tender bruise that would swell at the very thought. Tears ran easily, and if we’re being honest, still do. That horrible feeling of worthlessness. Isn’t that what we all desire? To know that we matter? To know that there is worth in our being?

Soul. Deep. Pain.

Many nights I would awake in the middle of the night heaving tears. To the point where I had to leave the bedroom so I wouldn’t rouse those resting peacefully.


My friend, have you been there? Have you been crushed by another that had no care in the world about you? Have you felt that soul deep anguish? The heaviness of their yoke?

But a better question might be…have you been that “friend?” That spouse? That mother? That one that walked on as if you did nothing wrong? The one that thought that as long as your life was going well then there’s nothing wrong in the world?

We are a wickedly self absorbed generation. It is all about us. We can easily share Facebook videos about how awful bullying is but then we turn around and we *are* that bully. We’re the elitists. If only somebody would video tape us in our shameful moments and share them on a big screen.

Oh, my love, that day is coming. There will come a day when we will have to account for every wrong word we said. And for the words we didn’t say.

You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:34-37 ESV)

And those two little words I was talking about?

I’m sorry.

They are honey on the lips. Especially to one that has been wounded. To hear those sweet words from a sincere heart. A heart that has been broken by the realization of what they have done. But to just carelessly say those precious words is like giving scraps to the dog. Yes, you said what they wanted to hear but you said it because it was going to benefit you. It was going to keep that person from interrupting the comfortable path you were on.

This isn’t about us. It never is. This is about our Savior.


Do we truly repent? Do we fall to our knees and cry out to Him and apologize for disobeying Him? Our hearts should be sensitive to others. We are walking among His children. I can tell you this, I would not be nice to you if you harmed, emotionally or physically, one of my children. And my children? They’re His, too.

When you repent of your sins, what is your attitude? Is that how you would want someone to apologize to you? Is “I’m sorry” enough? Or are you just going through the motions to make sure you’re playing your get-into-Heaven cards well?

Apologizing, repenting, it’s a matter of the heart. You can’t just tell somebody you love them if you don’t care about how you’ve harmed them. Acknowledge what has happened and understand it. Go and repent. Seek reconciliation.

I’m sorry.

Two words that can be extremely hard to say. And to some they roll off the lips a little too easily.

Have you ever considered that He allows these troubles into our lives so that we can have just a taste of how we have sinned against Him? And how we have hurt Him? We need to learn how to apologize properly. We certainly do not want to go around grieving the Holy Spirit.

Mama’s, you’ll understand this, when my children have disobeyed me I expect them to apologize. But sometimes the youngest ones will stand there with an angry face and not look in my eyes, sometimes stomping their feet. What they don’t understand is that I’ve already forgiven them. But they stand there as if they don’t believe they’ve done anything wrong and they don’t need my forgiveness. Do you see? Do you understand? We act the same to our most holy Father! We don’t believe we’ve really sinned. Or maybe we believe that He already knew we were going to sin, so whatever. Oh, such a wretched thought.

There’s a reason we should be on our knees. Because we are too weak without Him. Because the heaviness of our sins brings us down but it is His love and grace that lifts us up again.

And for those who are hurting now from lack of an apology from others, your Father sees all and He’s taking care of you. Rest in Him who has your tender and bruised soul. Do not be afraid of what man can do to you. Yahweh has so much more for you, do not allow this to take your focus off of Him. Be ready to forgive. Put on Christ and live each day fully for Him.


I love you my dears and will be heartily praying for you.



When You Lose Your Way

May 13, 2014

The walls feel like they’re caving in. Our hearts race. We begin to fear what could be lurking around the corner. We chalk it up to “Murphy’s Law.”

Who is this Murphy anyhow? The name of the demon who is following us around? The one we willingly listen to?

When these days become hard pressed. When your foundation is crumbling remember Whose you are.

If you’re finding it hard to breathe through the contractions of life you need to go back to the One Who gives you breath. His Word, that’s the only thing that is going to get you through this rough time. His Word is the only strength your foundation needs. It seals in all those cracks that you didn’t even see. When you allow your eyes to lay upon His Words your heart will find joy. You can’t fix the wrongs in this world. You can’t fix the sins in this world. His love is the only remedy. The enemy has lied to us long enough. Take back His word and I pray that you will rest peacefully in each page. Yet, if you feel your feathers being ruffled by what He says, that’s good! That’s a sign that He’s chiseling away the lies that the enemy has sewn along the way.

My loves, we all come before our valleys. But will you come prepared or will you stumble into your valley? In 1 Samuel 25:13 David tells his men to “strap on your swords!” I always get a kick out of his words. You really need to go back through and read the context of why he’s saying it. But let me encourage you to “strap on your swords!” Strap on the word of God so when the enemy comes to fight that you are prepared. That you are ready to make a defense for the faith within you. You are in God’s army. He trusts you in this battle that is being waged before our very eyes. The question is, whose side are you on? A warrior prepares himself for battle. He does not lay around awaiting someone to feed him and train him. He trains himself so that he is ready when the time comes. When the trumpet is blown. Therefore, we too should prepare ourselves and our families.


Each morning, before you arise, reach over and take up your Bible. Find a reading schedule to adhere to. And every morning feed your soul before you feed your belly. There is no food that can satisfy like His glorious words can. Consider it a challenge, each and every story in the Bible points to Christ. Your job, detective, is to understand how. Then teach it to your children. They will then arise and call you blessed.

The valleys are coming. Strap on your sword!



Let it Go

April 11, 2014

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. -Luke 5:16

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. -Matthew 6:6

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. -Mark 1:35


Jesus regularly took time away. He would escape from the crowds. He would seek time with His Father. So why, if we’re supposed to be like Christ, is it so hard for us to step away from all the demands we place on ourselves? Just like a plant that stays out in the sun and only receives dribbles of water, once a week, we will dry up and will bear no spiritual fruit.

 Let it Go Continue Reading…

A Spirit Filled Mess

April 10, 2014

You reach for the brass door handle and pull. The seal of the door is broken, and the vacuum-packed freshness envelops your senses. You step inside and the warmth wraps around your soul like a wool scarf. Your whole body is enveloped by the aroma. Hearing the familiar hissing of steam works on your stress level like a pressure valve. You’ve entered a coffee shop, and you’re helpless. You give yourself to it. Surrender.

~Fresh Brewed Life by Nichole Johnson



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