Archives For Encouragement

If I Change

October 16, 2011

Will you still accept me if I change?

I wonder this every time I try to walk away from my sinful habits. I become convicted that how I’m living is not bringing glory to God and I decide, at that moment, to drastically change how I’m portraying Him to others. But there’s always a twist. For some reason it’s incredibly difficult for me to change how I live in front of those closest to me. I’m afraid. Afraid that they’re going to judge me. They know the terrible things I say and do. When I first became a Christian it was very difficult for me to stop doing the things I wanted to stop doing. After all, only a year previous had I declared myself an Atheist. That first year of my walk was so incredibly difficult. The devil was right there to trip me up and I was so fragile. The words that stung most were from non believers, “a real Christian wouldn’t do that” they would say. Judging. Causing me to doubt that I could walk this walk.

Do you struggle in your walk with the Lord? Are you afraid of how you’re portraying His grace and His love? Take heart dear one. This road is rough. And from my 13 years of walking with Him, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t get any easier. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a celebrity – be a Christian. You will have your own paparazzi there to magnify and announce all of your flaws and failings. But continue and strive to be like Christ. Change and run from sin. You will fall. You will fail. But that is the beauty of His amazing grace. As undeserving as we are He still loves us and He still wants us. He will walk with each one of us through our valleys.

When you are ashamed of your actions and are afraid to tell others that you’re going to be making some life changes, remember that He is not ashamed of you and what you’ve done. He can and will use your past to glorify His name. Trust Him.

So as I change. Go ahead and judge me. I know that He’s turning me into something beautiful. He can do the same for you, too. Allow the process to take time and have grace for yourself and especially for others.


Half Past Eight

October 5, 2011

~ A poem by Karen Ehman. A reminder of just how quickly the days fly by ~

Dear Lord, where has the time gone? It’s already half past eight. It seems just a minute ago the clock read one or two.

Just a while ago, my child, you were so tiny, so fragile, and there was so, so much to do: midnight feedings, endless rocking, learning to do all a new mother must do. I was scared. So were you – your tiny fingers curled around mine – but we learned together, you and I, and the clock kept ticking.

Every tick, every tock, passed slowly, I thought then. I couldn’t wait to see you talk, then to walk, but each day seemed an eternity. And then your personality began to emerge. You cooed “dada” and strung together random words like a priceless string of pearls. What queen could buy these treasures?

First steps: “Oooohh” – Boom! – “Get up and keep going, honey!” First dresses: “Mommy, I pretty!” “Yes, you are, my sweet.” Your first pony ride: I walked so close. You clung so tight. Before too long you begged me to let go. “Okay, honey, but just for a moment.”

Everyone from doting grandmas to complete strangers told me how very quickly time would fly, but for me it seemed to march slowly on.

The clock soon struck three. Peter was there. And Flopsy and Mopsy and Cottontail too. So many hours spent with them, curled up in that old oak rocker. We left only briefly, to visit with others. Do you remember? Pooh and Piglet, Papa Small, and Curious George. They were our gang each afternoon before I lay you in your bed. You were too big by then for your crib. And besides, a new baby bundle of brotherly clue had taken over that corner of your room. “Shhh…baby’s sleeping. We’ll read one more and then off to bed, my lamb. It’s nearly half past three.”

The cuckoo clock cheerfully announced the arrival of four. With it came many new adventures. Your first trip to the dentist (you were very brave), staying all night at Grandma’s (how many cookies did you eat?), and Sunday school, birthday parties, and on and on and on. No sooner had the cuckoo tucked back in and shut his wooden doors when the chimes rang out five times.

Is it five already? Where has the time gone? The chimes brought with them lace and frills and everything pink. We then spent our afternoons chatting over tea. Pooh and Piglet still visited at times, though not quite as often. For the most part they were replaced with a newfound friend. Remember? She met us in the old oak rocker faithfully each day. It was Laura. And Mary. And Carrie. And even that mean old Nellie Olson. Oh, how you loved their world! Your curls were replaced with two long braids; your pink with gingham blue (it was Laura’s favorite too). You wore that old bonnet strung down on your back and would answer only to “Half-pint.” “Pa called Laura that,” you’d insist. So we churned butter and baked biscuits and I learned to answer to “Ma!” (What happened to “Mommy”?) No time to question. Just look at the time…

Six…and then seven. Maybe they were right. Time marched more quickly. You no longer needed me for books. Now you could read by yourself! And often you did as that baby bundle of blue turned into a toddler who simply adored his Big Sis. So we journeyed to the library and got reacquainted with Peter and friends. You introduced them to your brother, who now occupied your lap. “One more time, sissy, please, just one more!” he would plead. “Okay,” you’d answer. “But just this once, brother. It’s getting very late.” Oh, darling, if you only knew.

And now here we are at half past eight. Who knows what you’ll be at the stroke of twelve? The stork came again. Again he brought blue. “Two brothers. How wonderful!” came your reply to the news. This one came to rest happily upon your left hip. And there he remains perched as you now go about your day. Mixing dough in the KitchenAid (what happened to your plastic play stove?) and answering the phone (what about the toy one with the curly cord you dragged behind you all those years? Where is it now?)

You’ve come so far, my baby. From scribbles on scrap paper mailed to loved ones far away to now answering emails (will you show me how to use it sometime?); from ribbons and smocked dresses to bobbed hair and bell bottoms. Sometimes I feel as if I’m peering into a mirror from long ago. “Your whole life is ahead of you!” strangers say to my girl. But not for me – for me time speeds by.

Help me make the most of this hour, Lord. I can never live it again. Just look at the clock on the wall. I’m afraid for this mom it is getting very late. Slow the time down, dear Lord, please.

It’s already half past eight.


Are You a Pharisee?

October 4, 2011

The weight of this post has me finding anything to do that would keep me from sitting and writing. That, my friends, is what we call ‘obeying the enemy’. So through conviction I write to ask: Are you a Pharisee?

Are you always judging those around you? Sizing them up? Comparing what they’re wearing? How their kids are dressed? What car they’re driving? How often you’ve seen them in church? {Mark 7:5; Luke 5:30}

Are you a tattletale? When you see a brother or sister in sin do you go to them lovingly and help guide them back or are you quick to gossip and tell others about their failings? Pointing out their sins for all to see. {John 8:3-4}

Are you a lover of money? Do you enjoy the best of things? Do you believe that life will only get better if you or your spouse gets that raise? Are your thoughts consumed with money? {Luke 16:14}

Do you obey the laws but forgo grace? Are you sure to be at church every Sunday morning bright and early wearing your best clothes? Do you hold small group so everyone can see your finely kept home? {Luke 11:43}

Do you spend countless hours thinking about how you appear to others? Do you wear nice clothes at all times in case you run into somebody at the supermarket? Do you spend a healthy amount of money on your hair and makeup? Do you spend more time worrying about how others perceive you than how God does? {Matthew 23:25}

Do you go to church and listen to the preacher only later to find a way to justify your own thoughts and actions? {Luke 19:39}

Take heart dear one. You’re not alone.

We have all been Pharisees. We all have struggled with pride. But we have hope! We have at least two amazing examples in the New Testament that we can look to. We don’t have to continue this life of judging.

We look to Paul and Nicodemus. Both Pharisees at one time. Both drawn to Christ. The first slowly and through teachings. The second instantaneously without hesitation. Both saw Christ. And both lives were transformed. But just because they stopped judging others does not mean that people stopped judging them. When you choose to obey Christ and live for Him there will be herds of people ready to jump at you. In John 7:50-52 we see the Pharisees mocking Nicodemus for standing up for Jesus. And there are many accounts of Paul being abused for his faith. Can you even begin to imagine how judged he must have been? Once a killer of Christians and now a follower of Jesus himself.

Are you willing to set your pride aside? Are you ready to stop playing the ‘modern Christian’ and start being real? Find brothers and sisters who can help encourage you because this road is not meant to be walked alone. And capture your thoughts. When we spend our entire lives judging it’s a hard cycle to break. Pray and seek His grace. You were made for so much more than nice clothes, fancy cars and fine foods. We were made to bring glory to His name – not ours.


A few years ago my family up and moved from Ohio to the Carolinas. Like most people, I was born and raised in the same area. So to move so far south was quite exciting and quite scary at the same time. We didn’t know anybody. When people ask why we moved we really don’t have an answer. It wasn’t for a job transfer. We know the Lord moved us for whatever reason He had. We were willing so we went. It was so clear to us that He wanted us to go that there really wasn’t much doubting. And we’re thankful we went. But it’s always a blessing to return. To remember where it is we came from.

This past week we made a visit back. It had been well over two years. We stayed with my grandparents, the house I was raised in. The above photo within the photo was taken about twenty years ago. I can’t even begin to count how many times I ventured down that cement driveway on my way to school. Some days excited to go and others going reluctantly. Not one of those days did I walk to school as a follower of Christ.

Going back to where you came from can sometimes be painful. Maybe you’ve made bad decisions since then. Maybe loved ones have passed on. Maybe you’ve moved on to a better place and you don’t want reminded of your past. Or maybe you’re reminded that you haven’t changed at all but everyone else has.

There is only One who is constant. One you can trust. One who was there when you were at your lowest and is here now and will be forever more. He allows us to remember so that we can learn. So that we can enjoy. So we can appreciate. We sometimes look at our past through rose colored glasses. Only to later realize that our lives have not made an impact on the world around us. An awakening in our souls to change our hum-drum days. Or sometimes we hold onto anger and hurt from our past, forgetting that He uses the good and the bad to grow us.

My husband once taught me that the Lord chose the Jewish people because of their amazing memories. They were able to tell the stories without change. As if they played the game “Telephone” and nobody ever lost. I may not have a great memory but going back to where I’ve been is like rushing back in time. A graceful reminder to continue pursuing. To continue reaching for the prize.

Take a trip down memory lane. How much have you changed? Have you walked the straight and narrow path or are you in need of some guidance back to Him? While looking back make sure to look ahead at where He wants to lead you. What sacrifices is He asking you to make in order to bring Him glory? Pray dear Sisters and Brothers. Ask Him to remind you of where you’ve been and pray for a willing heart to follow Him in where He wants to take you.

Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

{Ephesians 2:12-13 ESV}


When Not to Comfort

September 22, 2011

Do you ever wonder how well you’re doing as a parent? Are you getting through to those sweet little minds? Are you leading them well? Are they growing closer to the Lord because of your influence in their lives? If you really want to know, all you need to do is hand them a few dolls.

Yesterday I was lying on the couch while two of my daughters played with their dolls across the room. My rest was quickly interrupted by the sound of fighting. But upon closer listening they weren’t fighting. They were playing. And the mom was not a favored character in their play.

“Do you girls think of me like that?” I asked.

“No, we’re just playing pretend,” they answered.

But I saw the younger one hesitate. And I was hurt to the middle. The words they were ‘pretending’ were very true to life. I’ve heard myself talk like that. Inside I knew that I was building a crumbling foundation for them.

The oldest tried to make an excuse for her doll.

“She’s tired cause the baby kept her up all night.”

I wouldn’t let her comfort me. I didn’t show that I was hurt, but I wonder if a part of her knew that this was uneasy for me. Knowing that I’m teaching my children to live off feelings rather than for the Lord. No, I let the pain sink in. After all, how else am I going to grow stronger without some pruning? It was the ache in my heart that would remind me to speak kindly when my nature wants to be harsh.

I can’t even begin to imagine what Peter felt like when Jesus called him Satan. Here, the first disciple called to follow Him. What an honor! And now Peter looks into his saviors eyes trying to comfort him only to be reprimanded.

[Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection]

From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.” But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
{Matthew 16:21-23 ESV}

Sometimes we don’t need comfort. We need the truth. No amount of coddling will grow us into a better person. A better follower. More often than not we need stripped of our comforts and shown how our lives are effecting others. Are we making any impact at all? If so, is it drawing people closer to Christ?

Is it any surprise that Peter later encourages others to put their old selves to death and to focus fully on their new lives in Christ?

Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

{1 Peter 1:13-16 ESV}

Who better to receive these words from than the one who has walked through them? The words he spoke to Jesus were so very worldly, but in his heart he intended them to comfort. We have such good intentions at times. But it’s time to stop living and speaking to comfort hearts and speak to save souls.

Check yourself. Are the words you speaking meant to lift others up or to lift up His name?
