Are You a Pharisee?

October 4, 2011

The weight of this post has me finding anything to do that would keep me from sitting and writing. That, my friends, is what we call ‘obeying the enemy’. So through conviction I write to ask: Are you a Pharisee?

Are you always judging those around you? Sizing them up? Comparing what they’re wearing? How their kids are dressed? What car they’re driving? How often you’ve seen them in church? {Mark 7:5; Luke 5:30}

Are you a tattletale? When you see a brother or sister in sin do you go to them lovingly and help guide them back or are you quick to gossip and tell others about their failings? Pointing out their sins for all to see. {John 8:3-4}

Are you a lover of money? Do you enjoy the best of things? Do you believe that life will only get better if you or your spouse gets that raise? Are your thoughts consumed with money? {Luke 16:14}

Do you obey the laws but forgo grace? Are you sure to be at church every Sunday morning bright and early wearing your best clothes? Do you hold small group so everyone can see your finely kept home? {Luke 11:43}

Do you spend countless hours thinking about how you appear to others? Do you wear nice clothes at all times in case you run into somebody at the supermarket? Do you spend a healthy amount of money on your hair and makeup? Do you spend more time worrying about how others perceive you than how God does? {Matthew 23:25}

Do you go to church and listen to the preacher only later to find a way to justify your own thoughts and actions? {Luke 19:39}

Take heart dear one. You’re not alone.

We have all been Pharisees. We all have struggled with pride. But we have hope! We have at least two amazing examples in the New Testament that we can look to. We don’t have to continue this life of judging.

We look to Paul and Nicodemus. Both Pharisees at one time. Both drawn to Christ. The first slowly and through teachings. The second instantaneously without hesitation. Both saw Christ. And both lives were transformed. But just because they stopped judging others does not mean that people stopped judging them. When you choose to obey Christ and live for Him there will be herds of people ready to jump at you. In John 7:50-52 we see the Pharisees mocking Nicodemus for standing up for Jesus. And there are many accounts of Paul being abused for his faith. Can you even begin to imagine how judged he must have been? Once a killer of Christians and now a follower of Jesus himself.

Are you willing to set your pride aside? Are you ready to stop playing the ‘modern Christian’ and start being real? Find brothers and sisters who can help encourage you because this road is not meant to be walked alone. And capture your thoughts. When we spend our entire lives judging it’s a hard cycle to break. Pray and seek His grace. You were made for so much more than nice clothes, fancy cars and fine foods. We were made to bring glory to His name – not ours.



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