Archives For Encouragement

How He Loves Us

November 29, 2011

It’s Sunday morning. It seems snarkiness is at its best these mornings. We fluster about and get the kids in the car. I can’t find my notepad that I use during the sermon to take notes. Frustrated. The children are put in their classes and I hear the littlest one crying. My heart sinks. We hold hands and walk to where we’ll sit. We set down our beverages and stand to sing. It’s dark and the music is loud.

And I drift into His arms. My hands surrendering to Him.

The busyness of the week seems to melt away as I’m reminded of His love for me. The words we sing comforting this tired and worn soul. And He opens my eyes. I come running to Him thirsty for His grace. My children come timidly seeking my grace. He offers agape. I offer a stipulation.

“If you do this then I will love you more.”

Those words never leave my lips, but they work themselves out through my actions. A raised eyebrow. A huff. A turned back. And through this realization my heart breaks and the tears stream down. I sing loud and with eyes closed tight. This unreal love. This amazing and undeserved love brings me to tears most every Sunday. The time when I rest from the troubles and into His arms. My day of remembrance of where I came from to where He has brought me. A love I have never known before. How can I show this love to my children? How can I be in a constant state of remembrance?

Never say “Amen”

I hear a story of a little boy asking “Why did you say ‘amen’? Shouldn’t we always be in prayer?” Oh, isn’t it the youngest that teach us? Never say ‘amen’. Always, always stay in your Father’s arms. He is forever with you. Yes, He sees us all nice and dressed up on Sunday mornings but He doesn’t take the rest of the week off. He sees us also at our worst. Our ugliest. And yes, He loves us even then. It is impossible for us to understand His grace and His love and that is why I am moved to tears. He doesn’t beat us down emotionally and make us feel guilty for our sins. But oh we do that to each other. No amount of eucharisteo can ever express my love for my Father. I thank Him by loving and showing grace when, to us, it seems unwarranted. Oh how He loves us. I thank Him with tears.


{Linking up with Unwrapped Tuesdays at Chatting at the Sky }

A Special Eucharisteo

November 24, 2011

Today, I want us to think about every time we hear our children say thank you. I have to say, I have been overly blessed with very grateful children. They’re so grateful that at times I sinfully believe that they must be trying to cover up something. But no. They are genuinely thankful. Just how we should be before God. If my children never said ‘thank you’ for what we gave them I can’t honestly tell you that we would have a good relationship. I love them dearly but when there is no showing of appreciation it hurts. I want my children to always be aware of the sacrifice of others. Thankfulness begins when our sense of entitlement ends. When we realize that what we have is not what we deserve we are able to count it all as thanks.

And so I want to thank my children and my husband for graciously and continually showing me how to slow down and appreciate every moment.

As a mom of five it’s so easy for me to hear the words of the world and to “consider myself” and to “take care of my needs”. I think that message has been so pounded into us that we forget about the feelings of those in our midst. I’m daring the mothers out there to trust that God is there taking care of you while you are taking care of those around you. Don’t put your feet up just because “you deserve it”. Instead, wash the feet of your loved ones. Serve them with your whole heart and soul.

Show love to those around you. Say thank you to those who willingly serve you. Whether it be at the grocery, holding the door at church or delivering your mail. And fall on your knees before God and thank Him for all that He lovingly gives to you and your family. The big, the small, the blessings that make you smile and yes, even the hard eucharisteo.

Don’t forget to comment on this post and leave your thanks to be registered for the “Kisses from Katie” giveaway! Today is the last day to enter!


Hard Eucharisteo

November 23, 2011

Be thankful for what has been given you.

And when I say be thankful, I mean for all of it. Even the hard parts. The moments when you’re screaming within “why me”! This is the hard eucharisteo. This is when you know it hurts but you also know that God can use your situation to bring glory to His name. Your struggles now may mean a saved life later. I’ve known so many believers that hide their struggles. They try to cover them up and put on this ‘christian’ face. Trying to convince others that their life is perfect because of God. And to that I ask “what Bible are you reading?” God is glorified when we rely on Him, not on ourselves. The Bible is full of prostitutes, murders, incest, liars, thieves, the poor, the diseased. And God is shown to be bigger than all those circumstances. If our lives were meant to look so glorious don’t you think those parts of the Bible would have been left out?! We need to boast in our weaknesses. To say ‘look at what I had’ or ‘what I went through’ and ‘He is still great’ and ‘He is still my everything’. He has a plan.

So maybe you didn’t have a drug addiction. Or you didn’t lose a child. Or you didn’t come from a broken home. Listen to others. Listen to the stories of the people around you. Open up your heart and listen to the story God is writing in their lives. It will give you pause to praise Him. To thank Him for all that He has given you. When you hear of a friend losing a job doesn’t that make you thankful for the income you have? When you donate clothes to Goodwill, does that not make you grateful that your children are warmly dressed?

Read books of missionaries in third world countries. Watch the news and witness what is taking place in your backyard. There are opportunities all around you to stop and serve the God of Heaven. Maybe go on a mission trip? Serve at a soup kitchen? Donate goods to a women’s shelter? Seek out how you can serve and take that first step outside of your comfort zone to bless another. It’ll change your perspective. It’ll change your life.

Don’t forget to comment on this post and leave your thanks to be registered for the “Kisses from Katie” giveaway!



Continual Gratitude

November 22, 2011

He blesses us because He loves us not out of obligation. And His blessings in our lives should in return glorify Him, not ourselves. I recently heard the saying “What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things that you thanked God for today.” Have you thanked God for anything today? Or would you wake tomorrow with only your dinner? But wouldn’t waking be His grace enough? Wouldn’t taking a breath be proof enough of his grace and love in your life?

I’ve come to learn one very important thing concerning gratitude. The enemy of a thankful heart is a jealous soul. You cannot be both thankful for what you have and at the same time be jealous of what your neighbor has. You either appreciate what the Lord has given you or you don’t. God blesses us all differently. He has different plans for each one of us. If you are jealous of what somebody else has or the kind of life they are living you’re declaring that you know that the rest of their life is going to be just as good as it is now. Don’t be that foolish. God can strip our blessings away in a heartbeat. And you have to decide if you’re still going to praise Him and thank Him even when it’s difficult.

Joseph chose God in the hard times. Joseph comes into God’s story at the end of Genesis. Joseph was a favorite son with many jealous brothers. His brothers threw him into a pit and instead of killing him they sold him off as a slave. Yet Joseph trusted God and gave thanks. He was falsely accused of sexual harassment by his employers wife and was thrown in jail. And he still praised the One who made him and thanked God for each day. Joseph later saved Egypt from famine because God had allowed him to interpret a dream of Pharoah’s. Which led to Joseph becoming the most important man in Egypt under Pharoah.

It all seems worth it when you read his entire life in a few short sentences. But to Joseph this must have seemed like an eternity. So many terrible things happening in his life, one right after another. Especially considering that every time he was faithful it seemed like somebody else was getting blessed except for him. But God was faithful to Joseph’s thankful heart. And you can see throughout his life that even if God hadn’t given him the second highest position in Egypt, if Joseph had stayed in jail his entire life for a crime he did not commit, he still would have thanked God.

And that is exactly why we should be thankful for what we have now. This life, this moment, it’s all we have. When all is said and done, there are no do overs. We get one shot. We all have the option to enjoy what He has given us and be grateful for every circumstance or we can look at others and believe that ‘we’re not good enough’ and ‘God must love them more’ and ‘why can’t I have that’ and allow the seed of jealousy to root itself deep within. You. Don’t. Know. Anyone’s. Future. Your jealousy of somebody now can quickly turn into prayers on their behalf tomorrow. Don’t assume you know their whole story. Be thankful for what has been given to you.

Don’t forget to comment on this post and leave your thanks to be registered for the “Kisses from Katie” giveaway!


You Are Always With Me

November 15, 2011

This past weekend I went out to meet some ladies for coffee. This is a big deal considering I rarely ever leave the house. Not because I’m a hermit, just because we do life in our house. We’re in the stage of life where playdates are difficult to attend because of homeschooling or sicknesses. So getting to go out {alone} is a nice break from the everyday.

I returned a couple hours later to my family. I shut the car door, walked to the porch, opened the front door and walked in. No big hoopla awaited me. Now, whenever my husband comes home, whether it be from work, a business trip, football practice, grocery run, etc, my kids stampede each other to see who gets to hug him first! I’ve even gotten in on the fun and snuck outside to give him the ‘first’ hug. It really is fun. However, my jealousy surged when the same expression of love wasn’t shown to ‘mom’. I walked in and they were lying on the couch watching a movie. And boy-oh-boy did I let them hear it!

“Oh I see! Nobody cares if I’m home! But if DAD comes home you guys are knocking your sisters out of the way!”

{and just a side note, I really wasn’t saying it in anger, I was just pointing out the obvious. Jesting almost.}

The excuses came pouring from their lips. But I couldn’t hear them. I just nodded them away.

And then it happened.

Hours later, near dinner time, my second daughter approached me with a piece of paper. I held back tears as I read words that could only be written from her heart.

I don’t know why she wrote about my looks but I imagine at some point I must have mentioned something. I mean, as mothers, don’t we occasionally slip about how we didn’t get a shower or how we don’t look as put together as so-and-so? I do wish I knew what it was that I said so I could apologize. But nonetheless, I won’t lie, my first thought was how sweet this was. My second thought was that my loving husband had put them up to this. I was very thankful to hear that he hadn’t. My Evie had written this ‘contract’ on her own and had each of her sisters sign it.

And I became the prodigals sons brother. I wasn’t satisfied with the daily love they showed me, I wanted the grand appreciation. I wanted the running to the door when I was already being spoiled with hourly kisses and hugs. As I read the note over and over I was broken to the core.

“Gratitude begins when my sense of entitlement ends.”

I truly want to get to a place where I am content in all situations. Apparently I am not there yet. But we are all learning. We need to show just as much grace to our children that we want them to have for us. I am filled with so much eucharisteo when I consider all of His grace and the grace my children and husband show me. May I reflect all they have shown to this humble creature.

“Now his older son was in the field, and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and sound.’ But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, but he answered his father, ‘Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him!’ And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.
{Luke 15:25-31 ESV}
