The Dark Aqua Filofax

August 18, 2014

The beginning of the school year turns every office supply store into a candy store. The stationary, planners, markers, pens, etc. It’s amazing!!! Gone are the days of Lisa Frank and now it’s time for something new. Introducing the Filofax.

The Dark Aqua Filofax -

I first came upon these on Pinterest. We ordered one offline because, as far as I can tell, they don’t sell Filofaxes in the U.S.A. At least not the color I was looking for. Snobby, I know. This particular one came all the way from the U.K. and because of that it took weeks to arrive. I was eager so I began searching online for what would come *in* the Filofax. I didn’t know if I had to order papers to fill it or not. In searching I came across many Youtube videos of people opening up their Filofaxes for the first time. However, I didn’t see a dark aqua version so I decided to make a video for y’all. Silly, but it gave me something fun to do. Here ya go, the first video we’ve ever made for



By the way, I mistakenly called it Wasi Tape and it’s Washi Tape. I blame the use of Wasa crackers on Trim Healthy Mama.

I’m very excited to prep my Filofax. When using one of these you really need to plan out how you’re going to use it. As I said in the video, I have A LOT of needs so I have to figure out exactly how to lay it all out. My first thoughts are to include a Managers of Their Home family schedule.

The color of the dark aqua is gorgeous! I really wish I could capture the color adequately but I just can’t. These photos are the best I’ve got.

The Dark Aqua Filofax -


The Dark Aqua Filofax -


I’ll continue to update you on the progression as I make updates. As I said, this is just for fun. Hoping it will help organize our large family needs.




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