Why to Choose Health

January 28, 2012

{I looooove Five Guys}

Growing up I ate the typical 80’s kid meals. Kraft macaroni and cheese. Peanut butter and jelly. Gummies. Grilled cheese. Cereal, lots of cereal, the sugar laden kind. Hot Pockets. My personal favorite – Micro Magic french fries. Squeeze Its. Mc Donald’s.

As most health journeys go – I got sick. And I got sick of being sick and looked into how to heal myself. It began with the book The Maker’s Diet in 2005. I remember we read it while coming back from vacation. It was yet another vacation where I had fallen ill because of what I had eaten. As I read I finally realized that what I was eating was not meant to benefit me. Yes, I was ‘allowed’ to eat anything that the Lord created, but these man made creations were tearing me apart. So I stopped destroying my insides and made a drastic change. It took time, a lot of time. Just so I’m completely transparent, I still eat ‘junk food’ in moderation. We just had pizza delivered a couple nights ago. But first and foremost I need to take care of this temple where His spirit resides. When I eat foods that I know are bad for me, just because I enjoy them, I’m not ready to do good work for the Lord. My thoughts are focused on myself and what I enjoy. But when I sacrifice my addiction to sweets and live a healthy life for the Lord, then I’m ready to do His will. I’m not as sluggish. I’m not in pain. I’m not seeking advice from doctors when I know the One who can heal me has already provided me with foods to take care of this body.

{part of our garden}

I want to lay this out there. I don’t judge you for how you eat. All I know is how my body reacts to when I eat man made foods. When I fast and when I remove questionable foods from my diet or even when I add beneficial foods to my diet I have seen healing. Healing that I almost didn’t even believe even though it was me! Even though I saw it with my own eyes I was still in awe of how awesome God is and how He provides for us.

When you change to eating healthy you may be taken aback because of your grocery bill. We were. And there were times we had no choice but to go back to eating poorly because of finances. And we’d always end up saying “you’re either going to pay the grocer or the doctor”. I was sick of going to the doctor. And especially after seeing loved ones sent to the hospital time after time after time because of poor eating habits.

The farmer’s market became a second home and we now are good friends with our health food grocers. Once you get past the learning curve of shopping at health food stores it’s really not so bad. We actually save money when we shop at Trader Joe’s as opposed to our local ‘normal’ grocery store.

If you’d like to learn more about eating the way God designed then I encourage you to look into the book “The Maker’s Diet“. Look at the health advice on EarthClinic.com. Watch documentaries. Because of all the sicknesses surrounding us we’re finally realizing that the foods that we’re creating are literally killing us. The pesticides used to kill the insects are slowing making their way into our bloodstreams. Take care of what you eat and what you put into your bodies so that you will always be ready to do a good work for the Lord.



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