The Gift of Words

January 16, 2012

When was the last time you received something in the mail that was hand written? I bet your heart leapt a little when you saw handwriting among all the bills stuffed within your post box. Maybe it was colorful? {those are the best!} A birthday card? A surprise letter from a friend far away? Whatever it was it more than likely made your day. And, if you’re like me, you still have it. I don’t keep emails. They’re so easily sent back and forth and with little thought. But a card or a letter. Well now, those take time, money and thought. Those tell me that somebody was thinking of little me. That I was heavy in their thoughts that day. And that feeling of worth is desperately needed nowadays by all of us.

We so easily throw our thoughts out there on social media, whether people care or not. And comments come in, whether they are welcome or not. We’ve all tried to delete comments or emails that, after a few seconds of thought, we regretted sending. A handwritten something takes time. You’re thinking about what you’re going to write as you go to the store and pick out the card. As you find a pen. As you take a seat and write the recipients name. You even have time to review what you’ve written as you wait for the postman. Time, all this time, spent on one person who is probably longing for a feeling of recognition.

Bless someone today and write to them. You could easily use a piece of notebook paper. Or you could go a little farther and send a beautiful heartfelt card. Dayspring has a wonderful selection of cards you can choose from. They also have a great card club, the Heart Connection Card Club, at a great deal. Which gives you time to think ahead of who you can send cards to. And a fantastic card organizer! The rare times I’ve actually had blank cards in the house I usually toss them in a drawer and don’t find them again til years later. This organizer will easily keep me up to date on birthdays and able to send loved ones notes on a whim without having to tear the house apart. And can I be honest? I don’t like the cards at the grocery store. They’re so plain. But something filled with His word, now that’s beautiful.

So here below you can see what you get with the Heart Connection Card Club.

{Card Organizer}

{Many collections of cards to choose from}


{The organizer has inserts that help you to keep track of birthdays and important dates}


{Wonderful accordion type organizer to keep you on top and ahead so you can bless your friends and family}


So today I’m sending a card to a dear friend of mine from back home. She is planning a mission trip to Haiti this spring with her entire family. My husband and I have a heart for Haiti and are excited to be partnering with her in this mission. I’m also excited and praying about who the Lord wants me to bless next.

Take time today and set out to bless someone who has been on your heart this week. You have no idea how drastically you can improve someones day by taking time for them. And please, remember to pray before and while you are writing that the Spirit may give you the words that will touch this special soul.



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