Donating Socks

January 2, 2012

As we begin a new year I always have a desire to purge all the excess. This year we attacked the socks. Years and years of lonely socks. Holy socks. Dirty socks. And would you believe I actually came to tears as I threw them into a trash bag? There is something about children’s socks and shoes that pulls at my heart strings. But alas, we pushed through and filled the bag to overflowing.

And we bought new socks for everyone. Each age got their own style. Matching and folding will be so much easier. I remember growing up with a bag that would hang in the closet and would hold all the ‘lost’ socks. I refuse to do that. I know we’ll find stragglers throughout the next month but instead of searching for its mate it’ll go straight to the trash.

But not all the socks were thrown away. I was talking to my wonderful mother in law this day and she asked if we had any baby and children socks. They don’t normally get so worn and dirty. She makes a trip to Ecuador every autumn and always has a need for little socks for the children there. So I set my girls to work separating all the socks. Ones that could be donated and ones that needed tossed.

Believe it or not, they actually enjoyed themselves. They weren’t attached to the socks and happily got rid of many. But it definitely made this mama’s heart happier knowing other sweet little toes would fill these socks and keep them warm and clean.

One bag filled and ready for Ecuador. A lesson in learning that there are always ways to give to others.



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