Prayer Walks

August 10, 2011

When we rise our day is unblemished. As long as our hands are held open and not holding onto the wrongs of yesterday. We have choices to make. Will we bring down or encourage? Will we go stagnant or pursue His promises? Computer or Bible? Regret or new life? Forgiveness or pride?

Can I encourage you to rise a little earlier? Take a walk around your neighborhood. Pray for the day that lies ahead. I read in a book one time a great acronym for praying. PRAY – Praise, Repent, Ask {for others} and Yourself. I’m prone to pray for myself and my problems. This acronym has helped me to readjust many times.

As you walk pray for your neighbors and the struggles they might be going through. You may not even know them or what they are going through. If you feel the Spirit tugging on you then pray. Pray for His will to be done, whatever than may mean in their current situation. And if you don’t know them make a mental note to introduce yourself. You never know how the Lord might use you in their life, or vice versa.

Pray for your friends, your co-workers, your family, your children, your children’s future spouses, etc. Pray for the unknown. Pray for the lost.

If you can’t rise early enough then go on an evening walk. Take a family member or all. I’ve truly enjoyed taking a different daughter on various walks. They each get ‘mama time’ while I get the pleasure of walking their hearts closer to His.

Draw your heart closer to His. He will give you the rest you need for the day. Take time in His word. In His truth. In His promises. Spend time with the one who gave it all. Every beautiful heartbeat.



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