31 Days to Clean

August 8, 2011

Confession: I am not a clean person.

Anyone who knows me I’m sure would strongly agree. In fact, I know so. I’ve had friends come to my house and ask to bring their husbands over so they can see that “not everyone has a spic and span home”. In one respect I enjoy when friends feel comfortable over here and not like they have to worry about their kids getting fingerprints on anything. But on the other hand….wow….I really need to take better care of what the Lord has so lovingly given our family. A nice home. Food to nourish us {not to stick to the table tops or floors}. He’s clothed us {I’m sure not wanting us to leave said clothes all up and down the hallway}.

If you looked through my bookshelves you’d see countless How-To books on keeping house. But none have helped like 31 Days to Clean. I didn’t need to be told “how” to clean, I needed to know “why” I should. And author, Sarah Mae, has helped open my eyes to the “why”.

I desire to be used by the Lord to be hospitable to others. To hold small groups in our living room. To be able to help a friend by watching their children. To have others over at a moments notice. The monotony is worth it because I never know when I’ll be called to serve. Perseverance is the word. And what a great lesson to teach my little mothers in training.

I have printed out 31 Days to Clean and created an organizational binder. I want to share a couple links with you of other sheets that I keep in there to help in other areas of family life.

First is our weekly menu plan. Now if you follow the link there is a wonderful sheet you can print off! I did end up making my own version and adding “snack” on there but it still is the same basic layout.

If you blog you’ll love this Printable Blog Calendar! I think the design is enough to keep me encouraged to blog.

One of my favorite parts of 31 Days to Clean is the Six List print out! I know Fly Lady has her ‘you can do anything in fifteen minutes’ mantra {which I love} but there is something about this six list that really strikes a beautiful chord in me. Maybe it will in you, too? Do yourself a favor and download this incredibly helpful book! And make sure you not only read and act on her Martha challenges, but make sure to not pass by the Mary challenges. Those are the words and actions that will change your heart.



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