Taste and See

June 16, 2011

Oh to be taken away to a new world. Adventures. Mysteries. Princesses. History. Creatures. Pirates. My children love to read! Especially our older two who actually know how to. I am constantly finding them fully involved in a story.

They even read to their siblings.

And my greatest joy has been when I see them devouring His Word.

Lately I will be standing in the kitchen while they are gathered around the table eating breakfast. I’ll ask “What do you want to hear from the Bible today?” And for some awful reason I always anticipate hearing them groan. But they never do. They clamor to be loudest and shout out.

“David and Golliath!”

“The Widow and the Two Mites!”


I reach into the cupboard filled with Bibles for all. I carefully choose a story and agree to read the others later. They sit with ears wide open and listen as I read the entire story/chapter. Last time we read all of Ruth. I can assure you this, as a child I most certainly would not have listened that long. My mind would have wandered to outdoor play. But since they were babies my sweet husband has beenĀ adamantĀ about reading to our children. Even making up our own stories {those are the best!}. And thus began their love for the written word.

I long for the hunger that they have. To want to digest His Word and to read it over and over and over again. To taste the sweetness of truth and promises, of love. I allow the Martha in me to win all too often. I put on my “mom” badge and go about my day. No time to stop and eat. No time to restore this soul. Gotta keep pushing on. To keep this family happy. But really…wouldn’t it be so much better to feed our souls? To show our children how important it truly is to not just tell Him that you love Him. But to show Him. If your spouse wrote you a love letter you would drop everything you were doing to read it! And then you would swoon.

Let’s encourage each other to stop and swoon today. Be a beautiful example to your children. Read to them. Allow them to read to you. And taste the sweetness.

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
(Psalm 34:8 ESV)



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