Archives For Encouragement

A Burial of Hope

December 16, 2011

Yesterday my daughters and I finally planted our spring bulbs. Something I should have done a month ago but I waited and thankfully there is still time here. Especially as I see our crocuses are coming up prematurely. But why do I always wait too long? Every year procrastinating to the point that I sometimes just leave them in the garage in their little shoebox.

There’s something about planting something dormant that is so…not exciting. Cause then you have to wait. And who wants to wait? And the amount I pay for something that I don’t even know is going to work…well…it’s scary. I want assurance. I want to know that on this date I will have this many color of flowers and they’ll be this high.

Yup, doesn’t work that way. We plant on faith.

We trust that the hard work that we’ve put into purchasing, preparing the soil and burrowing these small bulbs down deep within, that we’ll reap a reward. Maybe the heavenly scent of hyacinth. Maybe the large beauty of Alliums. But we push ourselves outdoors in the chill of autumn to remove the death of summer and to bury our hope. And the wait begins.

As we raise our little ones it can be exhausting. It can be so tiresome that you want to throw in the towel and say “they’ll be fine. I turned out fine. They don’t need me to read them a book right now” or “tuck them in at night” or “they don’t really need to help me make cookies, I’ll get them done quicker by myself.” So we leave them in the shoebox. We’ll tend to them later.

Take the time and tend to the garden God has given you. Prepare their hearts for spring. Give them hope and encouragement. For before we know it they will have blossomed and there will be no going back. This is your moment to weed and nourish. The winter is coming. Put in all the hard work now. And yes, there is that possibility that they won’t turn out ‘the way you had hoped.’ But this is where we trust. We don’t want to come to that time with regrets. Give your all. Wear yourself out loving those little ones. I don’t think any of us will regret missing that one tv show or not spending enough time on Facebook. Love the ones you have, right now, before they blossom. Teach them to love Him. After all, it is He who will be pruning them later.


After writing yesterdays post on worshipping and praying with your children I realized that I need a reminder. I could have the best of intentions but when it comes to it when I wake my first thought of the day is what needs to be accomplished. What’s on the calendar. What will I feed them for breakfast. And just like that God is pushed to the side before I even realize it.

So I’ve created something simple. Something to frame and hang on the wall or sit on the bed side table. Just a reminder of why worshipping the God of the heavens needs to be first. And why I need to do this with my children.

Download Family Worship Subway Art {letter size} —

I hope this works? I’ve never shared anything on here so I’ll open the comments so you can let me know. It’s such a small gift but I hope it may encourage you to share prayers with our heavenly Father with your children. Live in a way that inspires your little ones. Serve and worship before their eyes. Remember, it’s all about Him. Live life like you believe.



Stop Listening to Logic

December 6, 2011

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.

(Genesis 3:1-7 ESV)

What would happen if we chose to listen to the Spirit first? Without hesitation? Without thinking through something ‘logically’? We all live through Genesis 3 every. single. day. Always having to make a decision.

I’m hungry. Should I have an apple or a piece of cake?

Well, the apple is definitely healthier. Less calories. I’ll fit into my skinny jeans sooner.


the cake only has about another day left until I have to throw it out. That cake cost a lot of money. It would fill me up more than the apple. And I could put the apple in the fridge and it’ll keep longer.

Cake it is.

And what happens after you make the ‘bad’ decision? Regret. You should have had the apple. And you know you should have. But in the moment the cake tasted so good! For that brief moment.

Thankfully our God knows we’ll choose the cake. And His grace is abundant. He lovingly teaches us through our bad decisions. What we feel as guilt is simply our resistance to His teachings. Take a chance and listen to the Spirit first. How many times in the Bible do we see followers working out something ‘logically’ in their heads first? If they did, they wouldn’t have followed through with their faith living actions.

Examples: Moses crossing the Red Sea. Noah building an ark. Joshua marching around Jericho. Esther talking to the king. Mary keeping her baby. Paul walking out of jail. John writing down his dream {Revelation}.

Be different. Listen to the Guide that has been sent to us. Without hesitation do what He calls you to do {as long as it does not contradict His word}. No matter how crazy. Step outside your comfort zone and risk looking like a fool for His sake. And do it lovingly, just how He is to us.


Beauty Within

December 2, 2011

Do you see it?

I didn’t. The day after Thanksgiving we went out early to get a Christmas tree. And let me say this now: I’m not a shopper. Whether it’s for clothes, food or Christmas trees. Thank you, but no thank you. I would rather have somebody choose it for me. And so I left my husband to make the final decision while I went to watch the children play.

After they tied the chosen tree to the top of our car we went home and set the tree up. My husband was pulling the branches down and spreading them out when he noticed this sweet little nest sitting deep within. It was awfully fragile so we assume it was quite old. But such a beautiful image. Here we had gotten a tree to bring home and decorate and it was already decorated for us. This thrilled my one daughter to no end as she is a bird enthusiast.

I’m so thankful my husband had more care for what he was getting. I can guarantee I would not have picked out the same tree because my time was more important.


How often do we rush through the process? Maybe it’s while going through the checkout lane at the grocery. How often do you look for the beauty that is within? How long has your cashier been standing there? How many grumpy faces have passed them by not even making eye contact? Your neighbor? Maybe take them some cookies this week and spend a few minutes chatting? Not the neighbor you talk with on a normal basis. No, that one neighbor that never seems to have visitors and never seems to smile {even when you wave}. Move away those prickly branches and seek out the beauty deep inside. Possibly they have forgotten that they contain a seed of beauty that is in desperate need of attention.

As we prepare our hearts during this Advent season, as we continue to learn more about Him, shine the light of Christ to those around you. Stand out from all the holiday hubbub. Convey that time is the greatest gift we can give to one another.


Our Guiding Light

December 1, 2011

Today we begin.

As I place the advent wreath on the table my children cheerfully announce, “I remember that!” And I remember the nights last year that we sat around the table listening to Daddy reading. Teaching us about the baby. And I sat listening and for the first time ever rocking my very own baby boy. Feeling a connection to Mary that I had never really understood before.

And I become afraid that this year we’ll forget. This year we’ll get caught up in the busyness of the season. That we’ll, once again, allow our minds to become consumed with the here and now. That we’ll be so focused on wrapping presents instead of unwrapping the most precious gift.

So we pray. We ask for Him to guide us back. Like Mary we follow the Light. Knowing that when our eyes are focused on Him we are able to then see the foolishness of what is hidden in the darkness. So many times I am lured away to what is known and comfortable. Wanting to ‘fit in’. Not wanting to come off as ‘too extreme’. But living for Christ is living to the extreme. Following Him will seem foolish to those who don’t know Him. And so we must keep ourselves in His light. Allowing Him to lead us to the Truth. Knowing that He was born for a reason and to not take Him for granted.

We have been blessed with this advent wreath for the past year. Using it to teach us from December 1st through Resurrection Sunday and beyond. I know it’s late, but get one for your family? All profits are donated to Compassion International. A double blessing. And sign up for Ann Voskamp’s mailing list to receive the Advent Devotional for your family. Beautiful, just beautiful words. Thank you Voskamp family. I anxiously look forward to another advent season. Training our hearts to be more like His.
