Archives For Blessings

Our Guiding Light

December 1, 2011

Today we begin.

As I place the advent wreath on the table my children cheerfully announce, “I remember that!” And I remember the nights last year that we sat around the table listening to Daddy reading. Teaching us about the baby. And I sat listening and for the first time ever rocking my very own baby boy. Feeling a connection to Mary that I had never really understood before.

And I become afraid that this year we’ll forget. This year we’ll get caught up in the busyness of the season. That we’ll, once again, allow our minds to become consumed with the here and now. That we’ll be so focused on wrapping presents instead of unwrapping the most precious gift.

So we pray. We ask for Him to guide us back. Like Mary we follow the Light. Knowing that when our eyes are focused on Him we are able to then see the foolishness of what is hidden in the darkness. So many times I am lured away to what is known and comfortable. Wanting to ‘fit in’. Not wanting to come off as ‘too extreme’. But living for Christ is living to the extreme. Following Him will seem foolish to those who don’t know Him. And so we must keep ourselves in His light. Allowing Him to lead us to the Truth. Knowing that He was born for a reason and to not take Him for granted.

We have been blessed with this advent wreath for the past year. Using it to teach us from December 1st through Resurrection Sunday and beyond. I know it’s late, but get one for your family? All profits are donated to Compassion International. A double blessing. And sign up for Ann Voskamp’s mailing list to receive the Advent Devotional for your family. Beautiful, just beautiful words. Thank you Voskamp family. I anxiously look forward to another advent season. Training our hearts to be more like His.


Kisses from Katie Winners

November 26, 2011

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who signed up for the Kisses from Katie giveaway! And a huge thank you to all who ‘shared’ about Kisses from Katie on Facebook and/or Twitter! It is a huge blessing to those sweet lives in Uganada that we’re spreading the word about Amazima and what Katie Davis is doing over there. Continue to support them through child sponsership, buying jewelry from the women in Masese or even just by telling others. This world really isn’t so big!

And without any further adieu – the winners!

Because I’m old fashioned we did a good old fashioned hat draw. We put all the entries into a beautiful hat that my mother in law had given to us from Ecuador on one of her mission trips. Appropriate, I think.

My husband had the honors of  drawing the names. First up!

Erica Lee! Congratulations!

And next….

Nicole! Congratulations!

I’ve gotten in touch with both ladies and we’ve decided that you’ll both receive the book AND an Amazima necklace.

And for the rest of you beautiful readers – look forward to many more giveaways this next month!


A Special Eucharisteo

November 24, 2011

Today, I want us to think about every time we hear our children say thank you. I have to say, I have been overly blessed with very grateful children. They’re so grateful that at times I sinfully believe that they must be trying to cover up something. But no. They are genuinely thankful. Just how we should be before God. If my children never said ‘thank you’ for what we gave them I can’t honestly tell you that we would have a good relationship. I love them dearly but when there is no showing of appreciation it hurts. I want my children to always be aware of the sacrifice of others. Thankfulness begins when our sense of entitlement ends. When we realize that what we have is not what we deserve we are able to count it all as thanks.

And so I want to thank my children and my husband for graciously and continually showing me how to slow down and appreciate every moment.

As a mom of five it’s so easy for me to hear the words of the world and to “consider myself” and to “take care of my needs”. I think that message has been so pounded into us that we forget about the feelings of those in our midst. I’m daring the mothers out there to trust that God is there taking care of you while you are taking care of those around you. Don’t put your feet up just because “you deserve it”. Instead, wash the feet of your loved ones. Serve them with your whole heart and soul.

Show love to those around you. Say thank you to those who willingly serve you. Whether it be at the grocery, holding the door at church or delivering your mail. And fall on your knees before God and thank Him for all that He lovingly gives to you and your family. The big, the small, the blessings that make you smile and yes, even the hard eucharisteo.

Don’t forget to comment on this post and leave your thanks to be registered for the “Kisses from Katie” giveaway! Today is the last day to enter!


Kisses from Katie {giveaway}

November 21, 2011

Last night I reluctantly finished reading Kisses from Katie. A book that has single handedly changed my entire perspective on life. I did not want to finish reading because I wanted it to continue. I have never before been more thankful for blogs!

Description from Amazon:

What would cause an eighteen-year-old old senior class president and homecoming queen from Nashville, Tennessee, to disappoint her parents by forgoing college, break her little brother’s heart, lose all but a handful of her friends (because the rest of them think she has gone off the deep end), and break up with the love of her life, all so she could move to Uganda, where she knew only one person but didn’t know any of the language? A passion to make a difference. Katie Davis left over Christmas break her senior year for a short mission trip to Uganda and her life was turned completely inside out. She found herself so moved by the people and children of Uganda that she knew her calling was to return and care for them. She has given up a relatively comfortable life—at a young age—to care for the less fortunate of this world. She was so moved by the need she witnessed, she’s centered her life around meeting that need. Katie, a charismatic and articulate young woman, is in the process of adopting thirteen children in Uganda, and she completely trusts God for daily provision for her and her family.Despite the rough conditions in which Katie lives, she has found a life of service to God to be one of great joy. Katie’s children bring constant delight and help her help others by welcoming whoever comes to their door. As the challenges grow, so does Katie’s faith and her certainty that what she’s doing in Uganda, one person at a time, will have far-reaching rewards. It isn’t the life she planned, but it is the life she loves.

To further her reach into the needs of Ugandans, Katie established Amazima Ministries. The ministry matches orphaned children with sponors worldwide. Each sponsor’s $300/year provides schooling, school supplies, three hot meals a day, minor medical care, and spiritual encouragement. Katie expected to have forty children in the program; she had signed up 150 by January 2008; today it sponsors over 400. Another aspect of the ministry is a feeding program created for the displaced Karamojong people—Uganda’s poorest citizens. The program feeds lunch to over 1,200 children Monday-Friday and sends them home with a plate of food; it also offers basic medical care, Bible study, and general health training.

Katie Davis is more than fascinating, she’s inspiring, as she has wholeheartedly answered the call to serve.

Before I had even finished reading the book I asked my dear husband for one thing for Christmas. Necklaces made by the women in the impoverished city of Masese that are sold so they can provide for themselves and their families. When they arrived in the mail I squealed in delight. Yes. Squealed!

And today I’d like to bless two people! One will receive the book Kisses from Katie and the other will receive a necklace from the wonderful women of Amazima!

{Keep it for yourself of give as a gift? Spread the good news of what Katie is doing!}

All you need to do is comment in the rarely opened comment section and tell what you are thankful for. You can enter a second comment for sharing on Facebook and a third comment for sharing on Twitter. But the catch is that you have to mention in the comment section below where you shared it AND add something else you are thankful for. So you can enter up to three times. You have until Thursday night and on Friday we’ll draw two winners. I look forward to hearing your eucharisteos!


Enjoy This Season

November 13, 2011

Take the time to enjoy the season you’re in.

This time in your life may be the most hectic, hair pulling, just making you want to scream kind of season. Enjoy it.

You may be having the best days of your life right now. Blessings pouring from His gracious hand. Enjoy it.

You may be wondering what is making this time of your life different from the previous season. Everything is so constant and never changing. Enjoy it.

Life can change in a heartbeat. Do you ever catch a nostalgic smell in the air? One that races you back through time to your childhood? Remember that. And think of all that you have gone through to get to this moment you’re in right now.

Remember also that if you are a parent of young children we are helping making memories for our little ones. Now. Right now. Through your own actions and words teach them how to appreciate the moments we are given.

Count all of it. Every. Single. Moment. As His amazing grace.
