Help Portrait 2011

December 10, 2011

Today is the official Help Portrait day of 2011. Help Portrait is an organization of photographers who give back to those who are less fortunate. Are you a photographer? Give of your time to those who, maybe, have never even had there photo taken. We all know the gift of a photo. I moment saved in time. A memory made more permanent. If you asked somebody what they would would take from their house if they could only grab one thing, it would be their photos. You truly can not put a price on memories.

Head over to the Help Portrait website and see where you can volunteer. You don’t even need to sign up. If you feel lead to photograph somebody at no cost as a gift to them – just do it. No strings attached. Maybe a neighbor? A women’s shelter?

You don’t even need to be a photographer! Can you do make-up? Do you have a location you can offer up as a one day photography studio? Can you drive people to and from the make shift studio? This isn’t just for photographers, there is a place for everybody to serve. Bring snacks? Donate financially?

And remember, this isn’t about you. This is about serving others. Encourage somebody today and show them how beautiful they truly are.



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