Enjoy This Season

November 13, 2011

Take the time to enjoy the season you’re in.

This time in your life may be the most hectic, hair pulling, just making you want to scream kind of season. Enjoy it.

You may be having the best days of your life right now. Blessings pouring from His gracious hand. Enjoy it.

You may be wondering what is making this time of your life different from the previous season. Everything is so constant and never changing. Enjoy it.

Life can change in a heartbeat. Do you ever catch a nostalgic smell in the air? One that races you back through time to your childhood? Remember that. And think of all that you have gone through to get to this moment you’re in right now.

Remember also that if you are a parent of young children we are helping making memories for our little ones. Now. Right now. Through your own actions and words teach them how to appreciate the moments we are given.

Count all of it. Every. Single. Moment. As His amazing grace.



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