There’s More

August 22, 2011

If asked to choose what the one thing that consumes my mind more than anything else during the day I’d have to honestly answer….housework.

Oh my heart sinks at that thought. I know that I want to develop a deeper relationship with my creator, but the floor is covered in something sticky. Oh and look, somebody opened a box of diapers and threw them all over the living room. Why are there clothes lying up and down the hallway? Has anyone seen my keys? I can’t find my sunglasses….again.

For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.(Romans 7:15 ESV)

There are so many well intentioned books and websites dedicated to helping us take care of our domains. To be the mothers God created us to be. But I can’t help but feel like those well intentions are driving me to be a Martha. Why all the focus on a practically-perfect-in-every-way house? Why is it we choose to find time for Bible reading in between chores? It should be the other way around! If we can run a load of laundry after reading Titus then great! Vacuum the cheerios up after the Noah’s ark activity with your toddler. Go through all the mail after you disciple your daughter who is dealing with peer pressure. We need to stop choosing the ways of this world. Pray for discipline in this area. I need reminded every single day, every single hour, that this life isn’t all there is. It’s so easy to be consumed with the here and now and with earthly beauty.

This is definitely more of a mental challenge that needs to be overcome. However we can take small steps on our journey to becoming a Mary. One way to help us in that direction is to have less to clean.

How much do we really need in our houses? Surely you’ve noticed that little ones would rather have one toy {or box} to play with than a whole room full of toys. Grab some bags and boxes and begin removing the things from your house that are keeping you away from basking in His glory. If the Lord were to ask you to give away everything you owned think of all the time you would have to spend with Him. You wouldn’t be bogged down with loads and loads of laundry and dishes. No more hair supplies and old make up to rummage through. There is something beautiful about ‘less is more’. Less of the world and more of Him. That should be our hearts desire.

So let me encourage you that there is more to this life than chores. As mothers we certainly have special tasks, but our focus should be guiding our families and ourselves closer to Him. Leave the crumbs at the table and seat yourselves at His feet. And please, the next time I visit do not pick up on my account, I’ll just know you’ve been busying working for the Lord. Joyful messy work!



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