Archives For Blessings

Hidden Poetry

January 11, 2012

This past weekend we decided that with the good weather it was finally time to buckle down and clean out the garage. Not a highly anticipated event and quite a damper on such a beautiful day. But alas, it had to be done. During the purging process a letter was found. A diamond in the rough. We still are unsure of who wrote it. It was one of two children. Whosever it was I plan on keeping this little piece of poetry in my keepsake box.

My little Psalm writers.

Where did they get hearts like this? How is it they teach me so much more than I can ever imagine teaching them? They teach me through their actions. They don’t sit down with a book and instruct me. They live what they believe. The sweet aroma of pure faith.

Have you been in His word recently? Or like this beautiful letter has God’s letters been hidden among the ‘stuff’ in the house. Risking being thrown away? Search for Him. Search the scriptures. Find His letters to you and tuck them away within your heart.


Passion 2012: Watch Live!

January 3, 2012

I had a post written up for today and scrapped it because this was so much more important than a silly recipe. Go watch Passion 2012 live! You will be crazy blessed!

Enjoy brothers and sisters!


Christmas Eve at the Barn

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas! Yesterday my family celebrated Christmas. We woke up early and did presents and all the traditional stuff. But we chose Christmas Eve to celebrate as we knew our church was not having a Christmas day service. And we couldn’t have made a better decision. Our hearts were more excited for the evening service than any gift that was under the tree.

The Christmas Eve service was not being held at a typical church. No. No it was being held inside a barn. The thought was overwhelmingly wonderful! So we packed the children up and set off for the farm. As we walked inside there were horse stalls all up and down the barn. Some mellow horses and some very excited ones. We could hear neighing and the sounds of their anxious feet. The barn was filled with music, a rumble of voices, colorful lights and the unmistakable smell of horse droppings. It was incredibly foul. We waited as the barn filled with bodies. And all I could think about was Mary.

Here I was standing between two horses with a baby boy in a sling on my side. He was born at home. The looks I would get from people told me they did not think it was wise to have a child in your house when there are hospitals. Just imagine the looks Mary received when people would later discover her baby was born in a barn. Among piles of manure. Thousands of years before Lysol had been invented.

And this barn last night was filled. Bodies were shoulder to shoulder. My son squealed the entire time. Babbling during the sermon and singing during worship. I could feel the looks. But I refused to quiet him. Not out of disrespect, but because the sound of a baby during a time of such wonderful reflection was a beautiful reminder. A reminder that our lives have interruptions. When we want quiet, we get loud. When we desire peace we sometimes get chaos. When we long for an answer it’s usually the one we weren’t expecting.

At the end of the service we got to behold the amazing beauty of lanterns being lifted off into the night sky. A symbol of how we, too, need to be those lights. To guide others in this dark world to a King who loves us. A King who knows how difficult it is to be an outcast.

Happy Birthday, Jesus. And thank you, sweet Mary, for trusting God and being such a beautiful vessel, a beautiful home, for Him.


Time to Celebrate

December 19, 2011

I am taking the next week off of blogging to spend time with my friends and family. May I encourage you to also put away your computer and smart phones? Make memories and celebrate this gracious life we’ve been given. Before you know it we’ll be preparing for Resurrection Sunday and planting our gardens. Take this week to prepare your hearts for Christmas. Love and serve those God has placed around you during this time. Teach your children the truth of why we celebrate so much for such a little lamb.

Merry Christmas!

Who has ascended to heaven and come down?
Who has gathered the wind in his fists?
Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name, and what is his son’s name?
Surely you know!
{Proverbs 30:4 ESV}

and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
{Matthew 3:17 ESV}

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David,
{Luke 1:32 ESV}

and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,
{Romans 1:4 ESV}


Beauty Within

December 2, 2011

Do you see it?

I didn’t. The day after Thanksgiving we went out early to get a Christmas tree. And let me say this now: I’m not a shopper. Whether it’s for clothes, food or Christmas trees. Thank you, but no thank you. I would rather have somebody choose it for me. And so I left my husband to make the final decision while I went to watch the children play.

After they tied the chosen tree to the top of our car we went home and set the tree up. My husband was pulling the branches down and spreading them out when he noticed this sweet little nest sitting deep within. It was awfully fragile so we assume it was quite old. But such a beautiful image. Here we had gotten a tree to bring home and decorate and it was already decorated for us. This thrilled my one daughter to no end as she is a bird enthusiast.

I’m so thankful my husband had more care for what he was getting. I can guarantee I would not have picked out the same tree because my time was more important.


How often do we rush through the process? Maybe it’s while going through the checkout lane at the grocery. How often do you look for the beauty that is within? How long has your cashier been standing there? How many grumpy faces have passed them by not even making eye contact? Your neighbor? Maybe take them some cookies this week and spend a few minutes chatting? Not the neighbor you talk with on a normal basis. No, that one neighbor that never seems to have visitors and never seems to smile {even when you wave}. Move away those prickly branches and seek out the beauty deep inside. Possibly they have forgotten that they contain a seed of beauty that is in desperate need of attention.

As we prepare our hearts during this Advent season, as we continue to learn more about Him, shine the light of Christ to those around you. Stand out from all the holiday hubbub. Convey that time is the greatest gift we can give to one another.
