Archives For October 2011

A few years ago my family up and moved from Ohio to the Carolinas. Like most people, I was born and raised in the same area. So to move so far south was quite exciting and quite scary at the same time. We didn’t know anybody. When people ask why we moved we really don’t have an answer. It wasn’t for a job transfer. We know the Lord moved us for whatever reason He had. We were willing so we went. It was so clear to us that He wanted us to go that there really wasn’t much doubting. And we’re thankful we went. But it’s always a blessing to return. To remember where it is we came from.

This past week we made a visit back. It had been well over two years. We stayed with my grandparents, the house I was raised in. The above photo within the photo was taken about twenty years ago. I can’t even begin to count how many times I ventured down that cement driveway on my way to school. Some days excited to go and others going reluctantly. Not one of those days did I walk to school as a follower of Christ.

Going back to where you came from can sometimes be painful. Maybe you’ve made bad decisions since then. Maybe loved ones have passed on. Maybe you’ve moved on to a better place and you don’t want reminded of your past. Or maybe you’re reminded that you haven’t changed at all but everyone else has.

There is only One who is constant. One you can trust. One who was there when you were at your lowest and is here now and will be forever more. He allows us to remember so that we can learn. So that we can enjoy. So we can appreciate. We sometimes look at our past through rose colored glasses. Only to later realize that our lives have not made an impact on the world around us. An awakening in our souls to change our hum-drum days. Or sometimes we hold onto anger and hurt from our past, forgetting that He uses the good and the bad to grow us.

My husband once taught me that the Lord chose the Jewish people because of their amazing memories. They were able to tell the stories without change. As if they played the game “Telephone” and nobody ever lost. I may not have a great memory but going back to where I’ve been is like rushing back in time. A graceful reminder to continue pursuing. To continue reaching for the prize.

Take a trip down memory lane. How much have you changed? Have you walked the straight and narrow path or are you in need of some guidance back to Him? While looking back make sure to look ahead at where He wants to lead you. What sacrifices is He asking you to make in order to bring Him glory? Pray dear Sisters and Brothers. Ask Him to remind you of where you’ve been and pray for a willing heart to follow Him in where He wants to take you.

Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

{Ephesians 2:12-13 ESV}


His Word Remains

October 2, 2011

“All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
{1 Peter 1:24-25 ESV}
