Enjoy Being the Background

September 19, 2011

As a young girl I loved music. I would listen to the radio and record tapes from my favorite songs that would play. I would sing and sing and sing. No idea if it was pretty to others or not. Then one Christmas I got it. I opened up a karaoke machine! How my heart leaped! I now had a microphone to project my voice to all! I popped in the casette in front of everybody there on Christmas morning and I sang. And I saw the smiles. Oh no. Not smiles of “how pretty she sounds”. Smiles of snickering. Giggles. And from family. I was humiliated. And they kept having me perform the rest of the day and for other relatives. As I type this I can feel my cheeks glowing red. I wanted so bad to sound pretty and to make others swoon. But that wasn’t to be.

A couple years later I entered middle school. A new world was opened up to me. Choir. Dare I try out? I did. I met with the teacher. Just her and I and a piano. She tested me to see where I could best be placed. I left the room not believing I had actually just tried out. As the first day of school neared….I dropped out. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t risk seeing those snickering laughs again.

The next year I signed up for the school musical. They were doing a show on oldies music. I was assigned to sit in the crowd of girls on stage swooning over the boy who was playing Elvis. I wore my poodle skirt and swayed back and forth in my chair watching him perform. I sat there in the background.

And so I began to play the french horn. An instrument that quite suited me. It is very rare for a french horn player to receive a solo. It was our job to play the accompaniment. To round out the sound of the band and allow the others to project their melodies. And so I played the background for eight years. Almost as if my Father was training me up. Teaching me that as we go through life it isn’t all about us. This world was not created as a stage to star me. I am supposed to play the background and to play beautifully. So as to glorify Him. The One who deserves the solos, the attention, the swooning over.

Don’t get me wrong, my human nature still longs for that solo. I constantly battle my will. Renewing my mind daily in the hopes of bringing glory to Him and not to myself. But I won’t deny that I get jealous of the gifts of others. How they have the courage to go in front of others and stand in that desired limelight. But whether it is beautiful to others or not, I will continue to make a joyful noise to Him. Praying that my children will stand with arms raised high worshipping our Lord with no care in the world what another soul may think of them.

I want to encourage you to enjoy playing the background. Place Him at the forefront. Show Him off as the star of the show. Here as an excerpt from Crazy Love by Francis Chan that pretty much sums it up.

It goes sort of like this….

Suppose you are an extra in an upcoming movie.  You will probably scrutinize the one scene where hundreds of people are milling around, just waiting for that twofifths of a second when you can see the back of your head. Maybe your mom or your closest friend get excited at that twofifths of a second with you…maybe.  But no one else will realize it is you.  Even if you tell them, they won’t care.

Let’s take it a step further. What if you rent out the entire theater on opening night and invite all your friends and family to come see the new movie about you?  People will say “You’re an idiot!  How could you think this movie is about you?”

Many Christians are even more delusional than the person I’ve been describing.  So many of us think and live like the movie of life is all about us.

Now consider the movie of life…

God creates the world.

Then people rebel against God

God floods the earth to rid it of the mess people made of it.

Several generations later, God singles out a ninety-nine year old man called Abram.

And on it goes.

You get the picture. The story/movie is ALL about God!

We have only our twofifths-of-a-second-long scene to live.  I don’t know about you, but I want my twofifths of a second to be about my making much of God.  First Corinthians 10:31 says “So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  That is what each of our twofifths of a second is about.

So,what does that mean for you?

Frankly, you need to get over yourself.

And that is so true. After hanging my head low for years and years thinking that nobody cared about me I finally realized that I need to get over myself. This life is not all about me. It’s not all about you. It’s about Him! And if He needs to bring me down so I can then lift His name higher then by all means! I’m dense. I need smacked over the head every once in a while {figuratively}. So do I bow down at every opportunity to praise Him? Honestly no. I still struggle with my love of me. But pray for me? And I will pray for you? That we will all take joy in playing the background for Him. Exalting Him in every moment of our lives.



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