Archives For Blessings

A Visit to the Nest

September 17, 2011

The Nester put out an invitation a bit ago to the whole wide web to come to her house to celebrate her sister, Emily’s, first published book, Grace For the Good Girl.

Living not too far, my friend and I eagerly responded! And can I tell you how amazing these two women are!!!! Seriously! Love just pouring out of them! {I truly regret not getting a sisters photo}

We met a good handful of women while we were there and each one was so kind and joyful! And the decor??? Oh Nester, you and your friends and family did an amazing job! And the food??? Yes, please!

I picked up a book while at the party. So as much as I’d love to give a glowing review right here and now I need to take the next week, cuddle up and read. I anticipate a book that is going to open my eyes to a way that I didn’t know needed opened. Just speaking with the lovely Emily the short time I did was enough to see what a beautiful heart she has.

What a celebration! Emily, congratulations! You are incredibly blessed in so many ways! To have such a supportive and believing family is such a testimony to your accomplishments. God bless you, Sister.

Nester, girl, I so wish we lived closer to each other! You are a rare gem! And if you all haven’t been to her blog you are SO missing out! She has single handedly helped me discover how to enjoy and decorate my own nest. And I can finally say that I *have* a style. I now know when I like and don’t like something. {And my friend, Nicole, thank you so much for taking this adventure with me! I wouldn’t have wanted to go with anyone else! My kindred spirit!}

So go now, please, and visit these two amazing blogs.

Nesting Place

grace for the good girl by emily p. freeman

I can’t wait to read Grace for the Good Girl! But my lack in reading it now is not going to prevent me from encouraging you to go out and get it. Are you a good girl?

Grace for the Good Girl Portfolio Video from Jason Windsor on Vimeo.


Show Hope

September 15, 2011

I have been anxiously awaiting this post! My husband has had the blessed privilege of helping Show Hope prepare their Facebook giveaway. And it’s not small! Before I tell you about the giveaway here’s a little description of Show Hope from their About page.

Show Hope is a non-profit organization that mobilizes individuals and communities to meet the most pressing needs of orphans in distress by providing 1) homes for waiting children through adoption aid grants, and 2) life-saving medical care for orphans with special needs.

What an amazing service! And this all began with Steven Curtis Chapman and his beautiful wife Mary Beth. They have been blessed to adopt three sweet little ones from China. One, Maria, who has gone to be with the Lord. Their hearts are so pure and they strongly desire to help orphans find forever homes.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
{James 1:27 ESV}

Well, last month Show Hope needed to reach 80,000 ‘Likes’ on Facebook in order to get $70,000 from two anonymous donors. And thanks to all the ‘likers’ they made it! And to say thank you they’re giving away a jaw dropping prize!

Are you ready?

No really. It’s big.

Like huge!

Ok, first, let me say that they are offering 50% off their brand new Show Hope circle logo t-shirt. You get a coupon code just for entering! Ten runners up will receive a Show Hope t-shirt, a wrap bracelet, a sticker and an autographed re:creation cd by Steven Curtis Chapman! Awesome, right? But you haven’t heard the grand prize yet!

An all expense paid trip to China!!!!!

No joke!

You’ll receive the blessing of being able to serve the orphans over in China on a short term mission trip in the summer of 2012! For real!!!!

Now, because my husband had a hand in this I, unfortunately, can not sign up. But you can! Head over to Show Hope on Facebook and click on the Sweepstakes button on the left hand side. Fill out the form and there ya go! Enter for an opportunity of a lifetime! My best to each of you and I can’t wait to hear the story of the winner when they return {I hope it’s you!}

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

(Matthew 6:19-21 ESV)


Explore. Dream. Discover.

September 4, 2011

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
— Mark Twain

Trust Him today. Take that step that you didn’t think you could. Believe the One who believes in you. He made you and He has great plans for you.


Renew Your Soul

September 3, 2011

This morning I was blessed with the opportunity to meet with a handful of godly women for breakfast. This is not something I normally do. With five little ones at home I rarely even leave the house for groceries let alone to go out on my own. With no children in tow. All by myself. Alone. I won’t lie, it was rather odd at first. And slightly uncomfortable since I’m usually counting little bodies wherever we go. But can I tell you this won’t be the last time! This tired mama didn’t realize how desperately I needed other sisters in Christ.

Are you a stay at home mom? How often do you get out with girlfriends and take the time to renew your mind. I could tell I was getting to the end of my rope as the smallest disobedience at home was setting me off like a firecracker. My children would drip tears and I would carry guilt the rest of the day and through the night. I’d wake up ready to try again and off I’d go. No grace fell from these lips. After meeting with these beautiful Sisters I returned home a completely different woman than how I had left earlier that morning. These women were saturated in grace. My family could notice a difference when I returned. My lips were now dripping with grace for my beloveds.

Can you find time during the week to renew your soul and strengthen your spirit with other Sisters? I don’t want to push but I do want to gently encourage you to seek out that time. Maybe invite a girlfriend over for coffee? It had been a long, long, long time since I had taken real time away for myself. I had been gone for 2 1/2 hours! That felt like an eternity and I almost felt guilty! Wondering if the house was still standing! Were the kids ok? Should I call my husband and let him know I’ll be home as soon as possible? I hope he’s not cross I was gone so long.

Where, oh where, does that guilt come from? He was fine. The children were fine. The house was still standing. Tummies were fed and I got the beautiful gift of being the one to be tackled with hugs when I walked in the door!

Take your sabbath. Step away from the dirty clothes and dishes. They’ll still be there {I promise}. Dive into some amazing, godly relationships. Invest in some friendships. Renew your soul for yourself and for your loved ones. It’s worth every blessed moment.
